Want to play with J3 puppets?

Apr 04, 2020 20:16

So my old webspace storage is locking down and I'm hunting down old images all over my blogs and journals to relink them. Came across a fun DIY post from the 2014 Cinema Challenge, where I made worksheets for paperpuppets of Jared, Jensen and Jeff. With loads of people sitting at home for a while, I figured I'd share them again, for everyone ( Read more... )

cinema-challenge, i made this, diy

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Comments 5

amberdreams April 5 2020, 12:04:49 UTC
I've still got my set from ages ago, I should finally make them up!


beelikej April 11 2020, 14:27:44 UTC
I'm not sure, but I think I included all the necessary materials with that set, didn't I? If not, I hope you can find brass fasteners to put them together:)


amberdreams April 11 2020, 20:55:48 UTC
Everything was included, even string. ♥


dizzojay April 5 2020, 13:18:55 UTC
Oh, these are adorable!!!


beelikej April 11 2020, 14:29:14 UTC
Thank you! I still have these guys hanging on my wall, because they never ceased to amuse me;)


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