Artwork QuickyBang 2020: Weechester Superheroes!

Mar 29, 2020 17:51

When I opened a new round of the quicky_bang and chose a story to illustrate back in February, I didn't know what crazy social distancing times were ahead. I'm glad I had this fandom project to distract and amuse me during self isolation. I hope the result and the fic it was inspired by bring a little joy into your life too! I happily present:

Title: Guardians
Author: sarcasticplight
Artwork by: beelikej
Medium: Papercutting
Characters: Young Sam & Young Dean (Weechesters:)
Art Rating: G | Fic Rating: G | Word count: 1589
Enticements:Pre-Season/Series 01, Canon Compliant, Kid Fic, bit of angst
Summary: That time back in 1988 when Sam breaks his arm & Dean has to somehow get them both to the emergency room on his bicycle handlebars.

While working on the composition I had some additional thoughts about wee Sam and Dean ... They are in between the picspam and my babbling about the work in progress.

Full Paper Artwork

Right after reading I wanted to do something with the Weechesters in their superhero costumes. I managed to visualize little Sammy right away but wasn't sure how to capture a kid version of Dean.
I was also wondering how he managed to ride that mountain-bike; I tried to figure out their positions, but soon reached the limit of my drawing skills;)

Deciding on paper colours. Unfortunately I had to let go of the bicycle design, it was too complicated for me to work out in paper.
So while I was still comtemplating Superman!Dean, I focused on Batman!Sammy and made a definite sketch for cutting.

I still was playing with ideas for how to include Dean in the illustration; I started with the superman logo

Because the story is from Dean's point of view, I chose to have him look at Sam. I realized this made him an actual big brother from Sammy's perspective. My initial idea to have him raise his arm like Superman added the sense of protection. (Told you I had thinky thoughts;)

The cut-out Superman logo looked much too sophisticated to be home-made, so I had to think of another way to put that on Dean's towelcape.

I transferred it to the red paper by making little holes with the pencil stencil.

Then I sewed the S in yellow thread on the paper. (I'd like to say I deliberately made it clunky to represent a kid's style of sewing, but this is kind of my own level as well;)

I then thought that although we as viewers/readers can see that the Superman logo is clunky, Sam is not aware of that because from his point of view his big brother IS Superman. *sniffles*

Because the initial composition with Dean's arm in the air made me think too much of an awkward salute, I tried another iconic Superman pose with the arm to the side. I added some green bush shapes to the background.

I still wasn't sure if that pose came across as them playing together, so I end up including the fly-arm after all.

I also give Dean a yellow belt, which is almost completely covered with the cape.

But I like that they both have the yellow belt to connect them:)

The End.

References & Sources
Costume inspiration:
Bike sketch: Mountain-Bikes at Shutterstock + JeannetChannel at YouTube (2brothers on 1bicycle:)
FONTS: vtks study by Douglas Vitkauskas (with edits by me for the Title) & Kalinga by Microsoft (Names)

Thank you, sarcasticplight, for sharing your fic in the QuickyBang and for being patient while I played with these two. I love the trip down memorylane that you created, it's a great little background story to the Supernatural canon.


Do you also want a short SPN/RPF story to make art for? This round of the Quicky_Bang is extended until April; CLAIM FIC HERE!

My ArtMasterlists: 2010-2018 & 2019 and beyond

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papercuttingart, quicky, i made this, bbartwork

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