Answers arting meme

Sep 01, 2014 00:31

On Friday I got a call from brotherdearest asking if he could come over for dinner on Saturday. Since he would also help me out with a couple of computer issues, he was more than welcome. *grins* I decided it was a good opportunity to try and make a new dish. From a package of course, I'm not THAT adventurous, but still: new thing! I made mashed potato cupcakes \o/ Have some photos of the process!

Last week I posted an arting meme and y'all picked some very challenging questions, that I'm going to answer here. (I'm putting the long answers behind cuts for your convenience:)

O. If you could choose one of your pieces to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oooh, tough one. I'm quite fond of RBB 2011 prompt Fool Hearted Man featuring my OTP Jeff/Jensen, but since that's basically non-AU it would be kind of weird to have an alternative story of the life of these two guys on the big screen *grins*
Other art that I would love to see in motion are the pieces I actually based on existing films for the Cinema Challenge, they would just have my RPF actors in the lead. Some commenters suggested- a Sam/Dean puppet animation based on my version of The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit and that sure sounds like fun too:)

AB. Share three of your favorite artists and why you like them so much.
Only three means I have to leave out a lot of awesome people, because there are so many great artists. I chose artists with very different styles to illustrate the variety in fandom.
  • fanlay - such a unique and personal interpretation of Jensen and Jared; amazing use of light and angles, glorious colours, immediately recognizable, yet always surprising.
    Example: Octocobra
  • lightthesparks - my graphic design rolemodel, she makes it look so effortless and often creates variations of a theme, yet every time the fonts, the placing of text and use of space are in perfect harmony.
    Example: Row Charon Row
  • meesasometimes - I love it when people think outside of the box. As a first time artist she created such wonderful needlework pieces and experimented with fabric and watercolours on top of that. Truely inspirational: A Little Bear and His Wolf.

  • ashtraythief
    B. Is there a trope you've yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
    Hmmm, I think I dabbled with all the tropes I love already. However, the one that got me interested in RPF was college fic and even though I tried capturing that trope twice for different Reverse Bangs, I never felt I accomplished what I wanted. So maybe I'd like to give that one another try in the future. Even though I feel like I maybe missed my window with that, seeing as it's not as popular anymore *pouts*

    C. Is there a trope you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?
    After being in different fandoms for years, I've learned to never say never; I've crossed my lines more often than I can remember. But even though I'm not avoiding reading mpreg fic anymore, I don't think I'd ever be able to visualize that.

    E. Share one of your strengths.
    Oh dear, ehm. Ever since I switched from graphic designs to hands on arts & crafts people have mentioned I must be very patient. I don't think I am, but I do lose track of time;) The different approach to arting pushes me to think in solutions rather than problems that I may come across when trying different materials to work with and I'm not one to give up until I figured out how to get it done.

    X. Have you ever deleted one of your published ARTpieces?
    Not yet. I've come close; not because of the quality of the piece but mostly of the bad memories attached to it after difficult collaborations.
    Oh and I also wasn't sure about publishing the explicit porn piece I recently made for the smpc: nsfw. But since I learned from that where my personal boundaries are, I'm leaving it up and out there for now;)

    G. Share a teaser from one of your favorite pieces you made and explain why you’re proud of it.
    Going through my old stuff I was happy to discover I'm quite proud of a lot of creations:)
    One of my favorite manips will always be pirate!Jeff, but I've grown so much as a digital artist since then that I'm chosing a piece that reflects that. It's also part of a set that I used all my digital skills for: I took my own photos, I blended images, adjusted the fonts, I made line-art and manips, I basically did ALL THE THINGS and I was so pleased with how it all got together. The teaser is a chapterheader from the whole set I made for To Find The World In A Grain Of Sand:

    H. Talk about your current wips.
    Currently I'm working on my first ever commission that I offered in an auction and it's for a fandom I'm not even in! I sure got the challenge I was looking for and as it turns out it's quite nice to work with a different character for a change:) What's a little extra nervewracking is that I'm actually going to send the original piece to the bidder. This means I have to work much more neatly than I'm used to. There is no hiding mistakes with clever photo-angles! I will share pictures of the process and final piece, but I won't do that until it's actually send off. I will reveal that it's featuring The Winter Soldier. Have a sneak peek:

    Next up will be a papercut design I've been brainstorming over since last year's ReverseBang. Didn't do it then because I had an Australia trip in between and I didn't want to rush it. This year's RBB spread out schedule just isn't to my liking, so I decided to work on the piece for myself. I'll start on that next weekend, as soon as the WinterSoldier is finished. Only thing I'll say right now that it will be JDM (no surprise there;)

    L. Is there an episode section of canon above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
    Well, I mostly fiddle in the RPF part of the SPN fandom, so the lives of Jensen, Jared and Jeff could be considered my canon, but even though I do (un)willingly know a lot about them, I'm mostly shallow and am mainly inspired by their appearances. I must admit that my love for Jensen/Jeff is based on that scene in YED, with total disregard of canon, because I thought that was just oozing with sensuality.

    AD. Do you accept prompts?
    Do you have something in mind? :-p
    I consider the fics I chose in challenges to be prompts, but of course that art is then made with (idealy) lots of interaction with the author.
    From joining a secret santa challenge and working on a commission piece with very little input, I learned that even though I sort of have free reign with those limited prompts, I am much too worried about not living up to expectations. So for now I'd have to say no. But who knows how much I might crave a prompt after working on my own idea for the next few weeks...

    D. How many ART ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
    I'm really only focused on the one paper art idea I originally had for last year's ReverseBang, but had to put aside because of limited time. I'm looking forward to finally working on it next week. I really don't want to give anything away, because I like treasuring it for myself until I'm happy with the result. (It does involve fiddling with JDM;)
    I did get some ideas while working on birthday art for ashtraythief yesterday. It involves manipping Jeff and Jensen as I found some marvelous new photos. (Old images that I hadn't come across before) Playing with them for crack-art reminded me how much I love manipping.
    But first I'm really going to only work on that paperart-idea for Jeff. No distractions. *determined face*

    W. If you were to revise one of your older pieces from start to finish, which would it be and why?
    I'm very happy with most of my work, but there are two old pieces I would handle differently in hindsight. I wish I had used a more subtle approach to that recent explicit porny art I made for smpc and I'd also do-over the whole set for that college fic from 2011; I felt it never really got together as well as it could have.


    If you want to check out my art after all that babbling, here's my masterlist of artsy creations:)

    Oh, I also put up a poll to help me decide what book to read next,. Since I didn't get around to reading the Losers comic this weekend, I'm bringing that with me to work tomorrow, so there is still time for you to vote in that:)


    meme, babble

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