Book poll!

Aug 30, 2014 14:29

I'm working on answering that arting meme (your questions really make me evaluate my fanart!). In the meantime, help me pick out my next book to read? While I was busy reading BigBang fics in the past few months, my book pile kept growing and I can't decide which one to go for next.
I just finished Margaret Atwood's Wilderness Tips (A collection of stories I carried with me in case my fic-filled e-reader died on me) and this weekend I'm gonna do a quick read of Diggle "Jock" Martinbrough's De Losers, Twee Paar (a Dutch version of the comic that I bought because JDM played Clay in the movieversion;).
But what book should I take with me on my bus to and from work on Monday?

Poll book pile sept2014

Tell me which one you think I should read next? Please and thank you!
(N.B. if you pick part one of Lynn Flewellings TT-trilogy, I of course will simply *have to* read the other two parts right after that;)

mmmbooks, poll

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