Oh, right: subject title. Ehm. Yoga?

Sep 09, 2014 21:56

Updated My Art Masterpost and yes, I did include that pornthingy, so that makes four projects for 2014 so far. (The ReverseBang designs I presented in January & February were made for the 2013 edition;). Last artwork I made was a commission not related to the Supernatural fandom and I will post about that as soon as my bidder receives the package I sent off last Friday. *crosses fingers*

Now that I definitely won't participate in the 2014 ReverseBang, I started working on a personal (papercut)project. I haven't set a deadline yet, but I'll probably occasionally mention it to keep myself going:)

I signed up for a trial yogaclass next week. Does anyone know what one wears to such a thing?

yoga, artwork

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