Dec 11, 2007 08:17
You know how companies like to use hit songs from both past and present to help sell their products?
Well, while making breakfast this morning, I slipped on some bacon grease and hit my head on the counter. When I came to, I had a thought that would help 2 parties at once by stimulating the steady yet stagnant sales of one company while helping out a wonderful musical artist who just can't seem to get over a case of writer's block that's lasted almost 2 decades.
So, if anybody from the Smucker's corporation is reading this, and you want to attract a younger, hipper crowd to your fine fares, may I humbly suggest making a "fresh" new ad, with all kinds of crazy camera angles and graphics, and rather than any voiceover, simply use C&C Music Factory's "Pump Up the Jam". People would go nuts over it. Or should I say they'll be "jammin'" all the way to the store to stock up on your tasty preserves? LOL!
I accept payment in the form of free jam for life, LOL!