Adventfic #7: Little Folk

Dec 14, 2013 17:18

wingus: Heavy and Poppy

The little people did not care for RED. Oh, they would investigate - Heavy remembered the excited babble of technology and science when two of the males took apart one of Engineer's dispensers. They had been impressed, he thought, but then Engineer came and scared them away. Soon after that, though, the tiny sentries guarding the forest's edge gained equally tiny dispensers. So Spy said.

Demoman was convinced they were fairies. Heavy did not disagree. But he would no more indulge the little folk than he would the Church.

Three weeks into the mission, though, BLU was hunkered down for a siege and Scout was bored. Heavy did not precisely dread those times, but he would have preferred them not to happen.

"Hey, haven't seen that one before!" Scout broke off batting grenades towards the BLU's bunker and went running off away from the fight.

Heavy considered firing a brief burst to reduce Scout's legs to bloody ruin. But that would necessitate disabling the friendly fire safeguards and re-enabling them, which was more trouble than disciplining Scout was worth. Instead, he hefted Sasha and ambled after the idiot.

Then he caught sight of the top of a hat bobbing through the tall grass. It might have been pointed once, but it had fallen over in an odd kink.

Of the little folk they had seen, all three preferred goggles to actual hats. Though the grinning male had a helmet, too. Heavy wasn't sure why the rocketeer woman had goggles, since she didn't bother to wear them.

Halfway to the hat, Scout suddenly cried out in shock and went skidding back. He swung his bat downwards- and it was blocked by a small shield.

Heavy picked up his pace. "Scout! Do not bother little folk!"

"Hey, she's the one who hit me! I didn't do nothin'!"

"Lulu, get back to the woods before I carry you back," A woman's voice growled, her English warped by a thick accent.

Instead of going back towards the woods, the wearer of the hat approached Scout. Heavy jogged up behind the boy in time to catch an odd tableaux - a tiny blue-skinned woman, shield and hammer as big as she was, fierce expression on her face, with a purple-skinned woman peeking out from behind her.

'I stand in front of Medic like that,' he thought.

game: team fortress 2, writing meme: advent calendar, writing, game: league of legends

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