Adventfic #6: Car Wash of Doom

Dec 10, 2013 18:56

dark_puck: TF: Prime, the Deceptikids give Breakdown a good wash while Knock Out watches.

Knock Out sprawled on the empty highway, head resting on his fist while he watched the children.

Thrasher boosted himself onto Breakdown's roof. He made a face then set to scrubbing with his soapy sponge. It soon dried out, if Knock Out was any judge, and he tossed it back down to Leandra. She dunked it in their bucket and threw a fresh one at his head. There was a briefly amusing moment where he couldn't figure out how to catch the sponge and not fall off Breakdown. Sadly, gravity didn't win this time.

Carmen was on her knees in front of Breakdown, industriously scrubbing at his grill. She wasn't content, unlike the big lug himself, with a simple 'no bugs'. It was going to gleam by the time she was done. If the sun hadn't set by then.

Besides providing fresh sponges when needed, Leandra had control of the hose. Something she took advantage of to spray Carmen, netting a shriek of cusses and a disgusting rag getting thrown at her. Breakdown and Thrasher both laughed, which turned to Thrasher diving for cover when Leandra turned the hose on Breakdown's upper windshield.

Knock Out grinned. The children were cute. And Breakdown was a little more thoughtful before he went running off into danger now. Couldn't leave his precious carwash girl to Knock Out or, Primus forbid, Starscream.

Don't forget to leave your requests for tomorrow's fic in the comments for today's, people! Original post with fandoms and rules is here.

writing meme: advent calendar, writing, series: transformers prime

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