[SG-1/AtLA Fic] Bad to Worse

Jan 08, 2012 12:06

This was written for sentientcitizen's fandom stocking.

Title: Bad to Worse
Series: Stargate SG-1/Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Jet, Yue, Katara, Zuko
Rating: G
Word Count: 200+
Author's Notes: I think I have another one of these crossover ficlets somewhere, besides the one I'm linking, but I can't find it.

Previously on Stargate SG-1... (scroll down to "in space")

Bad to Worse


"Well?" Jet asked, crouching to look over Yue's shoulder. "What are we dealing with?"

She shot him an annoyed look, then waved the naquadah detector in Katara's general direction. "You're certain this thing is accurate?"

"Of course, I'm certain!" Katara snapped, pacing in front of the energy bars of their cell. System Lord Ozai and his consort were fond of radiant energy where metal would have worked just as well. Jet figured the generators had to be massive - and they'd make a great explosion to cover SG-1's escape.

Well, he thought, frowning down at where Zuko huddled miserably. At least part of SG-1 would escape. "What is it?"

"I figured out why none of our people ever detected him as a goa'uld," Yue said quietly as she cleaned the needle she'd used to prick the surprisingly cooperative snake's finger. "He has no naquadah in his blood."

Jet stopped chewing on his straw. "What."

"That's not possible," Katara protested. "Snakes need naquadah! It's a fundamental part of their technology- and thus their culture." She added the last bit with a rueful grin at Yue, acknowledging what the biologist would have said. "If he's got no naquadah, then he'd be-"

"Crippled?" Zuko asked bitterly.


writing, series: avatar, series: stargate sg-1

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