[TF Prime Fic] Twenty-One to Win

Jan 08, 2012 11:58

Written for kalaryx's fandom stocking.

Title: Twenty-One to Win
Series: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Airachnid, Breakdown, Drag Strip (OC), Fracture (OC)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400+
Spoilers: Season 1 finale
Summary: Reinforcements arrive. Breakdown and Airachnid are there to greet them.
Author's Notes: Drag Strip and Fracture are both based on their namesakes' from previous iterations of Transformers, but since they don't technically exist in Prime, I'm choosing to classify them as OCs.

Twenty-One to Win


"Reinforcements. Lovely." Airachnid flashed a toothy smile at the mech standing next to her. "I suppose they sent you down here to keep an eye on me?"

Breakdown grunted and didn't rise to the bait. More was the pity, but he'd gone practically monosyllabic since their dear leader had brought Optimus Prime home as a living trophy. Or whatever it was he was doing with him. Since her- unfortunate fight with Soundwave, Airachnid had found herself persona non grata in the officers' section of the ship.

Most of that, admittedly, was because she didn't want to spend any more time with them than she absolutely had to. Now, though, with a brand new ship arriving, it would be easy to just slip off while the two new arrivals were getting briefed.

For now, though, she had to wait in the hangar with One-Eyed and Sullen.

Fifteen minutes later, a small interstellar-capable ship alighted in the hangar, killed its engine, and activated the docking clamps. Whoever was piloting knew what he was doing. Airachnid approved.

The airlock hissed open a moment later, and two female Decepticons darted out. They were fast- Airachnid could barely get a good look at them until one hit Breakdown around the knees, and the other hit him mid-chest. Breakdown stumbled, then grabbed the yellow one around the waist, slung her over one shoulder, kicked the black-and-white one off, and planted his foot on her chest. All the while, his engine snarled.

"Hi, Breakdown!" the black-and-white one said, grinning.

"Let go of me, you lunkhead!" the yellow one snarled.

"Hey, ladies." Breakdown jerked a thumb at Airachnid. "This is Airachnid. She's giving you your briefings."

She was? This was news to her. Airachnid narrowed her eyes.

Breakdown just smirked, then dropped the yellow one and let the black-and-white one up. "This one's Drag Strip, and this one's Fracture. They're twins. We're siblings. They're kind of violent psychos. You know. By Decepticon standards."

The two women were identical from the top of their helms to the bottom of their feet, except for their paintjobs. They looked to be some sort of fast car like Knock Out or Bumblebee, they both had the same peculiar yellow optics Breakdown did, and they both looked like they were itching for a fight.

Airachnid smiled. "I'm sure we'll get along famously."

"Yeah, and Motormaster told Onslaught he loved him like a brother," Breakdown muttered.


writing, series: transformers prime

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