[IDW Fic] Shadows on the Wall

Jan 08, 2012 12:12

Written for antepathy's fandom stocking.

Title: Shadows on the Wall
Series: IDW Transformers
Characters: Impactor
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300+
Summary: Impactor doesn't understand how everything fell down the way it did.
Author's Notes: This is set some undetermined time between the beginning of the war and the formation of Squadron X.

Shadows on the Wall


It's long years later, so many long years it's nearly uncountable, that Impactor has it in him to open one of the poetry files.

They were a gift from Megatron, the miner reciting his works. Some of them are warm, some happy, some beautiful, some sensuous. But not this one. Fury resonates in his voice with this particular poem, rage and despair crackle in his words.

It's a shadow beside the black hatred in the Decepticon leader's voice.

What happened?, Impactor wants to ask, now the fight is past. But he knows himself well enough to know when he next meets Megatron in a fight, he'll be too raw and furious himself to do more than survive.

What happened? He clenches his one hand into a fist. His friend had been (soft) peaceful. He had wanted to change things with words. Then- Rumble and Frenzy said it was when the mine closed, the one time Impactor got his hand on those little slagsuckers. The mines and the gladiatorial pits.

He knows that can't be it, because the Megatron he remembers never would have berserked in the first place. But he'd been trapped in that bedamned hospital while Megatron went back to the mine, not even let out as 'fully repaired' until a few years after the Senate shut it down.

Someone was stalling him, he suspects- no, he knows. He just doesn't know who or why.

By the time he was out, Megatron was nowhere to be found, and by the time he could find Megatron again-

He didn't want to. They'd been friends, lovers, but not- but not-

Frenzy and Rumble stayed with him, some part of him accuses the rest. Even when he was going mad in the gladiatorial pits (because the Megatron who lives now is mad compared to the one Impactor remembers), they stayed. They believed.

But Impactor never had believed in Megatron.

(He'd wanted to help him, which wasn't the same thing.)


comics, writing, character: autobots, series: g1 transformers

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