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ravynfyre December 9 2009, 01:00:38 UTC
Hook/Perceptor with Perceptor carrying. Feel free to involve other 'Structies, if you like.

Dead End/Moto/Breakdown - It totally wasn't supposed to happen this way. THEY should have been the ones carrying, NOT HIM!

Inferno/Red Alert - Surprsingly, pregnancy seems to have mellowed out the paranoid, hyper-aware security director. Either that, or Inferno finally managed to talk Ratchet into doping him up, needing at least few hours of rest.

EDIT: as ordered, adding Photon/Blitzwing - and no one thought that anyone's parantage could be any more screwed up than Photon's was, until she knocked up Blitzwing.


Transformers: Photon/Blitzwing beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 02:43:34 UTC
Photon gently tickles her fingers over the three little compartments of metals and wires in Blitzwing's turret. Electricity pulses along the wires, barely there flashes of life and attention.

She smiles. "Do you think they'll be Seekers or triple-changers?"

"Triple-changers," Blitzwing replies, the turret twitching away from her hand. "Be Seekers if you were carrying."

She nods. "I've never studied this particular method of production. You seem unusually at ease from what little I do know."

"Eh, this ain't so bad. Bad was the time I got Astrotrain, Starscream, and Catechism all at once. Nine's a little much to carry all at the same time."

Photon's optics blink. "You're saying you were carrying three sets of three, one for each of three different lovers?"

"No, I'm saying I carried nine kids with four parents each." The turret cover comes down to protect the growing children, nearly fast enough to nip Photon's fingers.

"You aren't allowed to tell me my parentage is strange and unusual anymore," she declares.


Re: Transformers: Photon/Blitzwing lunatron December 9 2009, 03:04:37 UTC
Blitzwing is a mighty broodmother. I wonder how these kids would get along with his other kids?


Re: Transformers: Photon/Blitzwing ravynfyre December 9 2009, 05:25:14 UTC
GAH! stupid LJ and not sending my notifications!

Ouch! Nine?!

Possessive Blitzy is adorable. I likes! He's also being remarkably calm with having Photon poking at him. *is grinning hugely at this*


Re: Transformers: Photon/Blitzwing beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:37:00 UTC
Yep! Seekers come in threes, triple-changers take "genetics" from their partners to recombine into new triple-changers, so... Nine.

I've ficced them before, but God if I can remember where on my LJ.

*loves the poking at the babies bit, thinks it's super-cute*


Transformers: Hook/Perceptor beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 04:36:22 UTC
For a sextet of elite construction engineers whose individual and group achievements were legendary, the Constructicons were perhaps the least reassuring medics Perceptor had ever encountered.

"Is the child in optimum condition?" He asked worriedly as he tried to lever himself up to look at what Hook was doing in his midsection. Bonecrusher promptly slammed him back down on the table, hard enough to crack lenses in Perceptor's scope-array.

"It's not dead," Mixmaster said brightly. "Yet."

"Yet"You never know what can happen in this sort of thing!" The chemist snickered. "Factories sometimes don't want to let go of the baby, then comes the saws and the cutting torches ( ... )


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor lunatron December 9 2009, 04:46:44 UTC
Evil midwives!

I am not sure if that is really fortunate, Hook!

Badgering the child for life about how it did birth wrong is not very helpful!


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 04:47:41 UTC
Badgering the child for life about how it did birth wrong is not very helpful!

*snickers* You know they would, too.


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor lunatron December 9 2009, 04:57:35 UTC
The child of a Constructicon mother wouldn't have those problems!

I also like the nod to Blitzwing and his reproduction woes.


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor ravynfyre December 9 2009, 05:30:26 UTC
"It's being difficult," Mixmaster volunteered. "Really difficult,"

Well, it IS Hook's child!

*snickers at the Blitzy reference*

And I would wibble for both Perc and the baby, but Hook's there, so...

*glomps and hugs* so awesome! Thank you!


Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:07:43 UTC
Gender is complicated for Transformers. Sex, whether it's what's in your head or what you're doing, is even moreso. Pregnancy goes past complicated and loops back into simple - let the internal computers handle it. Don't think about it. Just deal with it.

Motormaster never 'just deals' with anything, much less something as simple-complicated as pregnancy ( ... )


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown ravynfyre December 9 2009, 05:34:01 UTC
This child is going to be a) one of the scariest things on the road, b) one of the SEXIEST things on the road, and c) fucked up beyond all hope of salvage.

Also, RUN BOYS, RUN!!! Mama's on a tear, and when Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY gonna survive!

I love you madly. Have I told you that recently?


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:35:47 UTC
No, you haven't, and I just love hearing it. *preens*

It IS going to be extremely sexy. Hopefully it takes after its papas. <3 The scariness, however, is totally unavoidable any way you cut it.


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown lunatron December 9 2009, 16:38:49 UTC
Motormaster is seriously lucky he isn't going to have five!


Transformers: Inferno/Red Alert beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:57:24 UTC
"-So it's totally not our fault," Sideswipe said, hands coming slowly to a stop as he finished explaining why the mess wasn't his or Sunny's fault. Despite how it obviously was to anyone with a working optic and a calculator for a brain.

"Mhm." Red Alert tapped something into his datapad. "Thank you for your assistance, Sideswipe. You can go now."

".... Did I mention it wasn't our fault?"

"Repeatedly." Red Alert made a shooing gesture. "I believe you."

Sideswipe just gaped and only barely managed to make his way out of the Security Director's office when Red Alert began to frown at him.

"Uh," he said to no one in particular. "Okay, the glowing? I could buy the glowing. He's got sirens and lights, he's going to glow. But I think the Decepticons replaced him with a really bad duplicate."


Re: Transformers: Inferno/Red Alert lunatron December 9 2009, 16:44:17 UTC
...le gasp! It is Barricade in fire car drag, and he has seduced Inferno to steal his energy, like an incubus!

More likely, I am on crack.


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