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Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:07:43 UTC
Gender is complicated for Transformers. Sex, whether it's what's in your head or what you're doing, is even moreso. Pregnancy goes past complicated and loops back into simple - let the internal computers handle it. Don't think about it. Just deal with it.

Motormaster never 'just deals' with anything, much less something as simple-complicated as pregnancy.

"You're lucky, there's only one," Scrapper announces. "Seekers carry threes."

"Who's the father?" Motormaster growls, repeating himself for the forty-second time since he came to see the Constructicons.

"Fathers," Scrapper corrects. "Looks like the lucky fellows are Dead End and Breakdown."

Motormaster's engine roars to life, and the big truck heaves himself to standing. His optics brighten nearly to white, and his face-plates shift to flash sharp mandenta. His fists clench, open, clench again.

For a brief moment, Scrapper wonders if he should have left this job to Scavenger. The excavator is so much more fixable than he is.

Then Motormaster stalks out of the medbay, and Scrapper quietly puts in a call to Hook about their upcoming visitors-in-boxes.


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown ravynfyre December 9 2009, 05:34:01 UTC
This child is going to be a) one of the scariest things on the road, b) one of the SEXIEST things on the road, and c) fucked up beyond all hope of salvage.

Also, RUN BOYS, RUN!!! Mama's on a tear, and when Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY gonna survive!

I love you madly. Have I told you that recently?


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 05:35:47 UTC
No, you haven't, and I just love hearing it. *preens*

It IS going to be extremely sexy. Hopefully it takes after its papas. <3 The scariness, however, is totally unavoidable any way you cut it.


Re: Transformers: Dead End/Motormaster/Breakdown lunatron December 9 2009, 16:38:49 UTC
Motormaster is seriously lucky he isn't going to have five!


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