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Transformers: Hook/Perceptor beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 04:36:22 UTC
For a sextet of elite construction engineers whose individual and group achievements were legendary, the Constructicons were perhaps the least reassuring medics Perceptor had ever encountered.

"Is the child in optimum condition?" He asked worriedly as he tried to lever himself up to look at what Hook was doing in his midsection. Bonecrusher promptly slammed him back down on the table, hard enough to crack lenses in Perceptor's scope-array.

"It's not dead," Mixmaster said brightly. "Yet."


"You never know what can happen in this sort of thing!" The chemist snickered. "Factories sometimes don't want to let go of the baby, then comes the saws and the cutting torches-"

"Mixmaster," Scrapper said quietly, and the chemist promptly shut his mouth.

Perceptor shot the architect a grateful look.

"... If the child doesn't make it, may I make a memorial for it?" Scrapper asked, peering over at Hook's work.

So much for gratitude. Perceptor's optics dimmed as he glared at the architect. "No child of mine is going to be involved in vivincorporation."


"Is this still going on?" Long Haul demanded as he strode in the room, a toolbox balanced on his shoulders and Scavenger at his heels. "You'd think it'd have come out by now."

"It's being difficult," Mixmaster volunteered. "Really difficult, you'd think a universal emulator wouldn't cause so many problems-"

"I can't believe you found that," Bonecrusher said, jerking his head at the toolbox on Long Haul's shoulder. "When the hell was the last time we needed anything in there?"

"Blitzwing," Scavenger piped up with, taking the toolbox from Long Haul and opening it up next to Hook. The surgeon immediately dove in, pulling out arcane tools that Perceptor could dimly guess the use of.

His optics edged towards white as he blanched. "Is it- that bad?"

"Quite," Hook said. "Fortunately for my child, I'm the one attending to its birth."


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor lunatron December 9 2009, 04:46:44 UTC
Evil midwives!

I am not sure if that is really fortunate, Hook!

Badgering the child for life about how it did birth wrong is not very helpful!


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 04:47:41 UTC
Badgering the child for life about how it did birth wrong is not very helpful!

*snickers* You know they would, too.


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor lunatron December 9 2009, 04:57:35 UTC
The child of a Constructicon mother wouldn't have those problems!

I also like the nod to Blitzwing and his reproduction woes.


Re: Transformers: Hook/Perceptor ravynfyre December 9 2009, 05:30:26 UTC
"It's being difficult," Mixmaster volunteered. "Really difficult,"

Well, it IS Hook's child!

*snickers at the Blitzy reference*

And I would wibble for both Perc and the baby, but Hook's there, so...

*glomps and hugs* so awesome! Thank you!


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