Wait - it's been *how long* since I posted a trailer?!

Feb 06, 2012 20:39

This must be rectified - AT ONCE!

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Yes, I *know* there is also a trailer for The Avengers (2012) but... (and please, no houndin' me outta town on a rail for this kaithanxbai!) I am not grokking this yet.

It looks great and I am sure that when the time comes I will utterly adore it but... not at the moment. In my defence - I said pretty similar things about X-Men: First Class as well... and look how *that* turned out! Even so - will be there opening weekend. If I've caught up on my film watching by then...

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So - next week This Means War opens - which as a McG film would have me scurrying in the complete and total opposite direction. Seriously. But there is this - which made my brain go *BOOM* (kudos to whoever found this!) and then there is this - read it just for the comment from Tom Hardy.

It's going to be utter crap - but hot guys, sharp suits, heavy ordnance and things going BOOM - that's a ticket sold.

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Haven't read this through properly - but EW magazine on why Shame (2011) should be recognized for more than just the nude scenes. A Thousand Times YES! It was one of the best films I saw last year and one of the best for this year too. Also - it's utter snubbing by the Academy was a travesty beyond words (as was Captain America - The First Avenger but I want to concentrate on the squee)

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A fic rec to finish our 'broadcast' day - Laws of Ownership by Thefarofixer (Kirk/Spock|Star Trek (2009)|PG) - a very gentle, sweet story that made me smile.

fic recs, ginger sharks and silver foxes, movies, star trek, squee

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