Beckett Legacy 1.3

Apr 17, 2011 15:53

Previously: Topher and Elle had birthdays.  Ingrid summoned forth the corpse of the long-dead Egyptian king, Amenhotep II.  The usual.

Amenhotep has a ridiculous level of water retention.  After showering he leaves puddles everywhere.  Unfortunately for Elle, he loves her room most of all.  By the time she moves in her carpet is going to be all mouldy.

He is finding it a little difficult to make friends.  I can’t imagine why.

Amenhotep: *lurches out of the mist* Muuuuuurrrrr

Teen#1: Johnny, I think there’s something out there!

Teen#2: Come on, baby, you promised I could hit second base tonight!

Amenhotep: Frrrrrieeeeendssssss…

Goodwin: You are one lucky woman.

Ingrid: Okay, I’ll bite.  Why?

Goodwin: You see these guns?  You see?  Honey, do you see?

Ingrid: Yeah, alright, I’m seeing.

Goodwin: Well, it’s nothing really, but they are the personal arsenal of this here fireman.

Ingrid: Wow!  This is surprisingly sexy!

Ingrid&Goodwin: *eat face*

Ingrid: Bedroom.

The morning of Topher’s first day at school was boringly normal.  Unless you are not a Beckett, in which case being greeted by the unwashed corpse of an ancient pharaoh because your parents are too busy getting it on would probably not be considered mundane.

He couldn’t wait, certain that he was about to plunge right into a pool of children who were all as equally fascinated by the complexities of composting as he was.

Topher: Maybe everyone else is just sick today?

Goodwin received his first emergency call at work.  It was incredibly exciting.  There were even flames shooting out the windows!

Look how manly and competent he is, not to mention the way he handles that hose!

Unfortunately for Ingrid I’m going to be forced to break up her marriage.

This sim is too sexy not to be with my stupidly retarded self-sim.

I love you, Goodwin.

So while Goodwin was working up a sweat and causing females to faint with sheer need at the sight of his epic manliness, the rest of the Twinbrook fire department were apparently far to busy to help out.

Elderly!Firefighter: Ya-awn.  Could today be any slower?

World’sWorstFirefighter: What the hell is that thing on the wall?

Goodwin: Bitches.

Despite all signs pointing otherwise, Topher is actually a big hit at school.  Here he is with his BFF Notzo discussing how they are going to clean up some duck ponds - not for extra credit, but for the ducks.

Amenhotep: *lumbers past*

Nozo: Uh, is that like your uncle or something?  Your crazy uncle, maybe?

Topher: Nah, that’s just my mum’s pet.

These two.  All the time!  All they think about!

Ingrid: Um.  I’m not as sure as I was three seconds ago that my daughter is most definitely, one hundred percent absolutely in her crib.  She can’t walk yet, right?

Sweet.  Treasure!

Ingrid: This.  This is why I hate going outside!

Amenhotep had wandered off yet again, so I went looking for him.  Uh, hey fellas.  What’s up?

Good lord.  Ever since becoming a celebrity (mind you, he is the only one is the household to have any celebrity points XD) Amenhotep insists on giving impromptu street-side performances.  Here he is with a showtune rendition of ‘Oh, where is my mummy?’

Lolly Racket.  Yikes.

Amenhotep: You are the very image of my wife and queen, who rivalled the sun in its might and the lotus flower in its beauty.

Tourist: Aw, that’s really sweet, in a creepy sort of way.

Amenhotep: Bitch wants me.

Sinbad Rotter threw a party.  This is what his party looked like.  A bunch of guys standing around in different rooms of the house, posing.  He invited Goodwin.

They got into a huge fight and took off their shirts to yell at each other.  Now, I’m not an expert but I am fairly certain that this is what men usually do.

Topher had one of his many friends over.

Friend: It was nice and sunny today, wasn’t it?

Topher: Are you a boy or a girl?  I can’t tell.

Friend: Ha ha ha!  You’re so funny, Topher!

Topher: Ah ha ha.  Yeeeeeah.  But seriously, help a brother out.

The friend (I have obviously forgotten his/her name) made the mistake of trying to play catch with Topher.

Topher: You know, the funny thing about synthetic balls is that many people think they are better for the environment, but actually… *won’t throw ball during entire long-winded speech*

The Friend (he/she has earned capital letters for sticking around after that) proceeded to watch Topher from afar for the rest of the evening.

Ingrid: Well, guess it’s time to call it a night.


Topher’s friend left soon after.

Amenhotep: I had many daughters, tiny jackal, and I commissioned great temples to be built in their honour.

Amenhotep: But I would have built you the biggest one of all.

Elle: Tee hee!

Topher: First the daddy says; And do you know what they say about us down at the station?  They say ‘oh.  Look.  It’s the fireman who can’t keep his own wife from catching fire on a regular basis!  Let’s point!’

Topher: And the mummy goes; I swear, Goodwin, if I have to listen to this for one more second I will pull your spinal cord out through your eye sockets and salvage it for scrap!

Topher: And that’s how I was born :)

At work, Goodwin no longer feels the need to use the fire truck.  When the alarm goes off he simply adjusts his hat and heads out, on foot, to the scene.

But I don’t care how stupid he is.  Look at him!  No one can take away a love like this! <3

While we’re on the subject of Goodwin (and, let’s face it, when are we not?) here he is at his second ever party.  It was a celebrity party and he was quickly asked to leave.

He was forced to join the paparazzi lurking on the front porch.

Paparazzi: Bitch is on mah turf!


Lights: *on*

Elle: Oh.  No.

Ingrid: Daughter.  You appear to be crying *staaaaaare*

Wait a minute.  Ingrid voluntarily holding one of her offspring?

Happy, smiling faces?

A confused mummy?

This can only mean one thing.

As soon as Ingrid put Elle down Amenhotep crept closer and closer until he was standing right next to his new favourite thing in the world.  I think Ingrid is correct in finding this a little disconcerting.

Elle: Heeeeeeeeey.  Sit on it.

That is an Ingrid-nose.  I can tell already.

A better look at Elle.  Along with her Virtuoso and Brave traits, she added Absent-Minded to the mix.  So… she will perform great feats of bravery for reasons she has already forgotten.  And then jam it on the guitar.

Goodwin: Yay!

Goodwin: No, wait.  This means… boys…

Goodwin wasn’t the only one having a hard time facing the fact that his children were growing up.  Ingrid found herself freaking out over just what she was doing with her life.

Ingrid: I’m almost an adult and what do I have to show for it?  One monster!  ONE!

Ingrid: *deep breath*

Ingrid: I’m fine.

Yep.  You look it.

These two whackos take solace in each other.

Goodwin: You could build robot babies, love.  Then they’d never grow up.

Ingrid: I love you.

Thanks for reading :)

gen1, beckett legacy, sims3

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