Beckett Legacy 1.2

Apr 13, 2011 14:55

Previously: Topher grew up from a neglected baby into a neglected toddler.  Goodwin fought fires.  Ingrid gave birth.  Elle Beckett was born.

Thanks for reading!  Hope you enjoy!

While Topher was busy winning at the peg board…

Goodwin was coming to the realisation that his family lived in a mist-shrouded dump.

Everyone was very pleased with the new house.

Family snap!  Oh, what happy memories they are making!

Ingrid stalked past both cribs to place her daughter on the floor in a corner.  This was the last time I saw Elle…

Goodwin: Bye kids, mummy and daddy love you very much and we will be home in a couple of days -

Ingrid: Goodwin, if you are not in this car by the time I reach the end of the driveway I promise that I will leave you behind!

Ingrid: Hey baby, ‘member that time I spiked your drink?

Goodwin: :)

The parentals took a better-late-than-never honeymoon to Egypt.

Ingrid: Okay, this one is a bird with a sort of swirly eye thing on top, and next to it is like some sort of alligator doing the rerun dance.

Goodwin: Um.  None of that is in here.

Eventually they made it inside to walk down the most ominous hallway ever.

Goodwin: Honey, look!  A new car!

While Ingrid was spending some time freaking out, Goodwin got acquainted with his canister.  That’s not water in there, is it… :/

Goodwin: Err, excuse me, the missus and I appear to have gotten turned around and I was wondering…

Goodwin: Wow!  Imminent death!  Ingrid is going to love this room!

Goodwin: I feel violated.

Goodwin stops and waits while Ingrid counts the floor tiles.

Goodwin: Even though the sheering heat is peeling the skin from my eyeballs, I could gaze into your eyes forever.

Ingrid: Oh baby, you make me so hot I feel like I’m on fire.

Ingrid: Oh shit!

Goodwin: What’s that thing you’re always complaining about?  You know, the thing I’m chewed out on morning til night?  Something about me being a fireman?

Ingrid: I appreciate the irony!  Now put me out!

At this point the vacation took a nose dive.  They were both permanently miserable, hungry, tired, singed and Ingrid was constantly plagued by nature.  They made an executive decision to run over the vespers they’d hired and continue to mow down locals until they reached the airport.

And then things got weird.  Ingrid and Goodwin arrived back to find Topher running for his life from the babysitter.  And Elle?  Well, she had sort of vanished.

The babysitter then tried to leave with Topher and poor Goodwin almost lost it since he was desperately trying to pick up his son.  In the end I had to move them into the house I’d been saving for them, hoping that Elle would reappear.

Luck!  She appeared on the doorstep a few hours later!

Goodwin: Good baby!  You found your way home all by yourself!

Goodwin: Now, let’s never speak of this again.

Ingrid: Hooray!  I’m not facing jail time for negligence!

As compensation for almost being wiped off the face of the sim-verse, Elle got to age up.

Elle: Can’t.  Breathe.  Dying.


To spite me, Elle grew up with her daddy’s hair and mummy’s eyes knowing full well that I wanted it the other way around.  But she is still ridiculously beautiful so I forgive her.

A dark and stormy night settled in over casa de Beckett.

And Ingrid was holed up in the garage, messing around with some of the Egyptian artefacts she and Goodwin looted from their tomb-capades.


Ingrid: Yech.  Seriously, when was the last time you showered?

Amenhotep: I have the strangest feeling…

Ingrid: Hiiiiiii :3

Ingrid: I, your creator, have brought you here to do my bidding.  You may call me master if you wish.

Amenhotep: Ooookaaaaay…  Look, foreigner, I’ve kind of got this whole ‘journey to the underworld’ thing going on.  You know, meeting the gods, heart being tested, yadda yadda yadda.  So if you’ll excuse me…

Ingrid: I bid you crush my tenth-grade prom date for hooking up with Sandy ‘horseface’ Baker right in front of me.

Amenhotep: Uh, yeah.  I’ll get right on that.  Sweet Amun-Ra, this female is crazy.

Ingrid: My sheer brilliance surprises even me.

There was a surprise in store for Goodwin next morning.

Goodwin: What in the world…?


Despite moving at an average speed of a tuna sandwich, Amenhotep II, god-king extraordinaire, quickly put himself to good use.

Amenhotep: Here you go, tiny jackal.

Topher: This is… new.

In his day, Pharaoh Amenhotep united the Upper and Lower kingdoms, built many of the monuments that define Al-Simhara today, and had an army feared the world over.  He is utterly terrified of Elle.

Topher: So it looks like we’ve got one of those two mummy households now.

Elle: Sweet as!  I love mummy!

Topher: Nah, you’re thinking of daddy.  Mummy’s the dark haired one.

Elle: Poopies.

These two are seriously getting kind of creepy.  Stop it.

Goodwin: Yes!  Another promotion!  Wait until my kickass son hears about this!

Goodwin: An outfit change later, and I just can’t stop thinking about that adorable little scamp!

This is all Goodwin ever does.  He seriously loves that kid.

Now, despite all evidence to the contrary, Ingrid prides herself on being a dedicated mother.  She has actually started to acknowledge Elle’s existence.  She has even gone so far as to bat an eyelid in Topher’s direction long enough to roll a wish to give him a tickle.

Ingrid: You may hear some things - crazy, crazy things - about mummy facing a lawsuit for home invasion with her new monster friend.  But, honey, if a policeman ever asks you where I was on the night of the fifth I want you to be a good girl and spit right in his eye and run.  Can you do that for mummy?

Topher: Is that… CAEK!!!!!

Goodwin can hardly believe his best son in the whole entire world is growing up.  Ingrid and Topher are expressing their mutual admiration for one another.

But buck up, Topher.  How many little boys get a real life cursed Egyptian mummy to attend their birthday party?

Goodbye toddlerfied Topher.

Hello awkward, gangling childhood.

Goodwin is suddenly less than impressed.  He didn’t think this whole ‘growing up’ thing through.

Goodwin: Now be small again.

Goodwin: At least I still have my darling little Elle.  My princess is never going to grow up.  I forbid it.

Here is Topher.  I take back what I said about Goodwin’s lips, I think he may be all Ingrid.  Then again, it is impossible to tell until they’re teens.

He rolled Eco-friendly.  This kid seriously loves nature.  It is strange because he has yet to even see a tree.  Anyway, he has no shoes because he is a good-for-nothing hippy who enjoys making found-object collages using tree sap from naturally fallen trees and lecturing people on the difference between recycling and recycling.

gen1, beckett legacy, sims3

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