Beckett Legacy 1.1

Apr 08, 2011 14:40

First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone who read and commented!  So awesome, and I'm currently caught up in reading your legacies - so expect to see me stalking you :)

Previously: We met Ingrid Beckett who wants to build monsters and avoid going outside.  She gave in to her hopeless romantic tendencies and fell in love really quickly, got married and gave birth within the space of about a day.  First of gen 2, Topher Beckett, was born.

Goodwin longs for the appraisal and unconditional admiration of the younger generations.  For this reason he fights fires.

Unfortunately for the residents of Twinbrook, the fire station is occupied by a huge pile of idiots.

Goodwin: *stares blankly at fire alarm*

Firefighter#1: *continues playing video games*

Firefighter#2: *continues quest to get plastered before 10am*

Goodwin: Oh gosh, I wonder what it would be like to be married to a handsome fire-fighter like me?  Is my wife lucky or what!

Meanwhile the “tiny house fire” has turned into a massive, impenetrable wall of flame.

Back on the home front, Ingrid is frantically working night and day in an attempt to build her monster army.

Stopping only to gasp about how she is married.

Topher spends his days contemplating the meaning of life in a never-ending sea of forgotten loneliness.  In a last-ditch effort to get his mother to actually notice his existence he tried crying.  He hasn’t bothered trying again.

Topher: Love me!  Please!

Goodwin returns from a long day of inadequacy to find his wife shut up with her inventors table, his son neglected and howling for food, and the sink broken.

Goodwin: *grumblegrumble* Wife *grumblegrumble*

Goodwin: Oh, but the way the flooded kitchen laps around my ankles reminds me of the beautiful, steady rhythm of her heart beat *swoon*

Hopeless romantics are too easy.

And it’s the first birthday of the legacy!  This is the most attention Topher has received from his mother since he managed to claw his way out.

Ingrid has this weird thing where she will go out of her way to put Topher on the ground and then stand there waving at him.  Stop taunting him, sadistic bitch!

Obligatory sparkles.

Topher Beckett: Ingrid clone.  Although on closer inspection it appears that he has Goodwin’s lips.  Good luck, kid.

A step up from being left caged in the crib for hours on end, Topher now mostly occupies himself in the (still) flooded kitchen.  The good thing about having an eccentric mummy?  She makes the best toys.

One of Goodwin’s co-workers is now a vampire.  This guy now has another reason to lounge around the fire station uselessly.

Vamp!Firefighter: I have a severe sun allergy.  It causes me to die.  Look, it’s all outlined in this note my mum wrote me…

With her husband off saving the world, Ingrid is forced to teach her son some vital life skills.

Ingrid: Topher, I’ll be brief.  As a human being verbal communication is to be your bread and butter, so why don’t we do society a favour and try to be a big boy and skill really fast, okay?

Topher: *not buying it*

Goodwin: Hmmm.  That sound.  Know I’ve heard it somewhere, but I just can’t put my finger on it.  Oh, this is going to bug me all day!

Vamp!Firefighter: Well, the manual goes on for a bit about a bleep-bleep-bleep alarm.  But this sounds more like a whoop-wheep-whoop to me, which doesn’t seem to be in here at all…

He eventually made it to another blazing inferno.  Also, Twinbrook-ians, seven foot high flames that span the entire length of your living room are not exactly what I would call a “tiny house fire.”

Goodwin: I can’t wait to tell my son about what a hero his daddy is!

Also, he got promoted halfway through putting out that fire.  Good for you, Goodwin.

Goodwin: Oh God!  No one tell my son about this!

But it is all in a day’s work for an awesome firefighting superhero like Goodwin.  After not saving any lives and making zero progress on his LTW he comes home to spend some quality time with the wife.

Goodwin: Baby, this is really nice, but do you think maybe you could get on the floor and pretend to give birth? I find that… so… hot…

They are really romantic in their own, weirdo way.

Topher has made a new robot friend.

Goodwin: Who left my unfed son locked up in his crib all day?

Topher: I adore you.

Goodwin: There you go, little buddy.  Daddy will see you after work!

Topher: For the love of all that is holy don’t leave me!

Goodwin: Goddammit, that kid is awesome.

It’s no wonder Topher doesn’t seem to be learning any of his skills.  She looked at him like this the entire time D:

Also the mist is ruining all my shots!

Goodwin: How sexy is my hat?  Go on, you can tell me.

Incompetent!Firefighter: I can’t for the life on me work out how to get in that thing.

The second Goodwin gets home he makes a beeline for Topher.  He’s becoming slightly obsessive.

Goodwin: *breathes in deeply*

But they are adorable.

Ingrid remembered that she actually had a job (!) and apparently she was expected to turn up for work.  No sooner had she pulled up in her ghostbusting gear did she decide she was pregnant.  No more work for her :D

Topher: Reason number one why she can’t keep me in here forever… um...

Topher: *horrible epiphany*

Ingrid went to collect some scrap.

Ingrid: Self: 1.  Public property: 0.

Ingrid: It’s built like a dust buster, but it handles like a banshee banisher.

This time she settled in with a pregnancy book to brush up on her knowledge.

Ingrid: Heh.  So that’s where I’m keeping it.

And then she went to cower over her inventing table while she tried to figure out the best way to break the news to Goodwin.  Honey, you married a baby-obsessed family-oriented sim.  He is NOT GOING TO MIND!

Goodwin: Sweetie, I’m digging your larger, scantily clad breasts, but I’m not too sure about this stomach thing.  Is it supposed to be moving?

Ingrid: It’s called pregnancy.  And I have it.

Goodwin: *explodes*

Sink: *explodes*

Goodwin: She is going to completely flip out and punch me in the jaw when she sees this.

Meanwhile, outside the paper boy is having some sort of episode.

Paperboy: The things I’ve seen!

Goodwin: What’s that, unborn baby I’m already showering with waves upon waves of unconditional love?

Goodwin: Uh huh.  Uh huh.  Oh, right.  I better tell her, then.

Goodwin: The baby says the sink’s broken.

Ingrid had one more man to break the news to.

Topher: Daddy says we all love the new baby.

Topher: *whispers* Don’t tell daddy I hate the new baby.

And this - this - is why you should not be waving that blowtorch around like you know what you’re doing!  I don’t even want to know what kind of damage this is doing to the baby!

Goodwin: You taste like toasted marshmallows.

Ingrid: So romantic!

As soon as she came out of the shower, Ingrid went into labour in front of the kitchen sink.  It is the number one hotspot in this household.

Goodwin: Oh my God, what’s happened to the sink?!  Ingrid, tell me!  This isn’t funny!

Ingrid: :/

Goodwin: Ew, honey, it’s all over the floor.

Being old pro’s, Ingrid and Goodwin hopped in the car and drove to the hospital.

Topher: Looks like you’re the parent now, robot cow.  I love you.

Topher: Wait - you’re a human?  There are other humans outside this house?!

Elle Beckett was assigned Virtuoso (come on, game!  She read the damn pregnancy book, what more do you want!) and rolled Brave.

Walking out of the hospital, Ingrid kept eyeing some random vampire strolling past.  This was cause for Goodwin to start losing it.

Goodwin: She will FEED our BABY to that vampire!

At home, Elle was given the traditional Beckett greeting.

Ingrid: Goodnight, daughter *starestare*

Elle: Thank the lord there are bars between me and that woman.

gen1, beckett legacy, sims3

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