Beckett Legacy 1.4

Apr 21, 2011 12:25

Previously: Elle grew up.  Topher was insanely popular at school.  Ingrid and Goodwin jumped aboard the early express: first stop, midlife crisis.

Elle tries her hand at making friends.  Since Topher finds it a breeze she figures she’ll have no trouble.

Paperboy: Wow.  You live here?  What’s it like living with Topher Beckett?  That guy is seriously cool!

Elle: What.

Paperboy: Hey, can you ask your brother to say hi to me at lunch?  I’ll give you a dollar.

Elle: Oh, I just remembered.  My mum is crazy and I have to go.

This is the maid Goodwin hired.  They aren’t even trying to hide the fetishism anymore.

Although it would appear Ingrid has nothing to worry about.  Her husband is far too busy swooning over his own awesome firefighter-ness to notice the maid’s skirt.

Goodwin: Don’t mind me kids.  Pretend I’m not even here.

Topher: So like I was saying, I really feel that if we can get this petition off the ground it will be the end of CDs.  And you know how many native plants are chopped down to make CDs, right?

Androgynous Friend: Uh, Toph, your dad is… um…

Goodwin: Not here!

This is Sultan Sam, rescued from a tomb by Goodwin and smuggled back to Twinbrook.  Here he is attempting to dig his way back to Egypt.  Stay fabulous, Sam.

Amenhotep has progressed to a two-star celebrity.  He is constantly invited to weigh-in parties and chatting to his equally vacuous celebrity friends on the phone.  His brand of friendship is an acquired taste.

Amenhotep: Greetings friend *strokes coat buttons*

But being a small town, he has faced an onslaught of prejudice.  It is so sad that some Twinbrookians are so closed minded they can’t even accept the walking dead into their homes and hearts.  Shame on them.

Dudley: ‘Teppe, I’ve been wondering.  What’s it like being a mummy?

Amenhotep: Well, it’s actually not that much different to being alive.  I lurch around blindly in the mornings, I eat a lot of cake, I strike fear and awe into the hearts of everyone I meet…

Dudley: But did it hurt having your organs removed and put into jars?

Amenhotep: No, dude.  I was dead.

Speaking of mummification.

Goodwin!  Stop trying to get yourself mummified!  He has started autonomously trying to sleep in the sarcophagus instead of in his big bed with his wife.

Ingrid has been clouded over with a metaphorical inventing storm lately.  Seems she has a purpose.  Hmmm…

And Amenhotep is now being paparazzi-stalked by the woman who once ran screaming from him.  Oh, the irony.

Amenhotep: Hey, it’s how I roll.

And the ‘portraits’ are coming along.  By ‘portraits’ I of course mean photos, because trying to get actual paintings that resemble the sim they are supposed to be is so stressful I just can’t deal with it!  This is much nicer.

Ingrid: This table will be the death of me.

But success!

Ingrid: Sweetie, what would you say if I said I had found a way to literally turn back the clock and accomplish all the things we thought we’d have accomplished at this stage?

Ingrid: Sweetie?

Goodwin: You amaze me.

Ingrid set the date, determined to go back in time and help her former self build those monsters she was so desperate to have.

Goodwin jumped in after her, looking forward to being able to hold his baby-fied kids again.

Complications arose.  Chaos ensured.

Goodwin: I’ve been hit!  Man down!  Man down!

Ingrid: Jeeze.  Our past selves were really angry.  And where on earth did Elle learn to shoot like that?

Topher was ignoring everyone.  He is One With Nature.

Elle: So, newspaper boy.  This is kind of awkward, but I’m the blonde girl you were chatting with earlier and I was just wondering if maybe you would be at all interested in becoming my friend?

Elle: People suck.

To cheer her up, Topher invited her along to the park.

Topher: Oh, little sis, isn’t the grass just so beautiful?  It whispers to me with a million tiny voices full of wonder and life!  It says; ‘Hi, Topher.  Thank you for not walking on us.’  And I reply; ‘Most certainly, fellow living being.  I would never walk all over a friend.’

Elle: Now I remember why I never hang out with you.

Back home, the family is discovering how useless the maid is.

Amenhotep: Seriously, Dud-Dud, never picks up a damn thing.  Not marriage material, if you hear what I’m saying.

Meet the newest Beckett: Allen the Crocodile.  Ingrid found him in one of her underground tunnel explorations.  I love his cheeky grin.

Amenhotep doesn’t quite understand what a washing machine is and, so, is constantly fighting with it.

Amenhotep: You win this round, Libyan.

Oh, Sam.  One day the flamingo will dance with you.  Theirs is a love for the ages.

The last thing you need when you are just trying to catch a quick bite before work is a slow-moving mummy who can’t make up his bloody mind.

Elle: Where’s everyone else?

Topher: Riding in their godforsaken, gas guzzling cars with their insipid, ignorant mothers who don’t know the long-term damage a tank of petrol has on the majestic elm.  It makes me sick.

Elle: Can you get up?  I need to change seats.


Ingrid and Goodwin celebrate having the house to themselves for the first time since Topher’s birth by doing their secret handshake.

But nothing lasts long in the Beckett house.

Ingrid: Oooh, cold shiver.


Maid: Waltz in, seduce the husband... but no one ever mentions the crazy.

While Ingrid was freaking out, the cavemanwoman found one of her own.

Cavewoman: Oh, sister.  I am glad you’re here… if I knew where ‘here’ was…

Eventually Ingrid calmed down enough to face the new arrival.

Ingrid: Greetings.  I.  Am.  In-griiiiid.  Welcome.  Earth.

Cavewoman: Um, I know.  You’re my mum.

Cavewoman: After birthing me in a cave surrounded by saber-toothed tigers, onlookers say you leapt into a purple void and left me to fend for myself.  My name is Daniela and I have been searching for you for a very long time.

Before things could get weirder, Amenhotep burst in the front door getting down with his bad self.  His surprise party for Topher is sure going to be a surprise.

And awesome.  Three minutes in and Notzo is already puking in the kitchen.  Sweet!

Elle: Oh, paperboy, you grew your hair.

Paperboy: Yeah.  I heard Topher say in art class that he thinks long hair is cool.

Even Daniela, who has been in the house less than an hour, is making friends faster than Elle.  She and Shark Racket - who Amenhotep knows from waaaaaaaay back - beelined each other the second he walked in.

Topher was finding out something very interesting about his androgynous childhood friend.

Friend: Hi Topher *blush*

Topher: Definitely a girl.  I owe dad a simoleon.

Everyone gathered around to cheer for Topher.  Except for Shark who couldn’t peel his eyes away from Daniela for even just a second.

Being a teenager is painful stuff.

But being a paparazzi is even worse.

Topher.  Holy nose, Batman!  But still: *picks jaw off floor*

Topher: I just got a chill.  Like a million trees cried out and were quickly silenced.

He rolled Easily-Impressed.  Which makes sense.  Re-use a milk carton to plant a sunflower seed and he’s yours forever.

Next time: Topher!  Oh, and stuff about the family finding out about Daniela, I guess.  Maybe some birthdays.  And Topher!

gen1, beckett legacy, sims3

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