This and That

Oct 12, 2013 21:01

1) I was tested to see if I can donate bone marrow to my little brother. Even with siblings the odds of a match are only 25%. I'm a match. If they can get his cancer beaten down enough to make him eligible for a transplant, I can donate. I find a number of aspects of donating scary, but I've only got one little brother.

2) While this didn't actually come from the Fannish Friday Five comm, I'm using that tag for it. It was actually inspired by a post of Neva's.

Top Five Time Travel Stories

1. Classic Doctor Who, "The Key to Time"
2. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
3. The Back to the Future Trilogy
4. Quantum Leap, "A Leap for Lisa"
5. Classic Torchwood, "Captain Jack Harkness"

3) I'm pleased to have heard Sleepy Hollow has a second season pick up, and Marvel's Agents of SHIELD have a full season pick up. It makes me nervous about how Almost Human is going to do. I mean it's the one other new series that I've been looking forward to.

4) As happy as I am to have Arrow back, I'll feel better once I have Grimm too. Fortunately that's a lot closer than more Lost Girl or Sherlock.

shield, personal, quantum leap, lost girl, time travel, madeleine l'engle, doctor who, sherlock, grimm, back to the future, fannish five, torchwood, arrow, a wrinkle in time, sleepy hollow

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