Quick update on happiness level

Jul 13, 2011 22:53

 I had a genuinely awesome day. Well, awesome "weekend"/two days off in a row. :) More on all of these points later, but... what's happened?

-Yesterday, I had tea with a friend I hadn't seen in a while, went for a walk, excellent chat.

-Visited the small museum in St. Albert Place, mined it for information on the Métis and regional history. (More on this later.) Found an excellent book on finger weaving, bought it. While chatting with the lady at the desk, found out about AWESOME area museum events happening this week.

-Took a friend and went on a French language behind the scenes tour at the Royal Alberta Museum today. (MUCH more on this later - plus photos!)

-Received confirmation of MY JOB IN FRANCE OMG. (You'll probably never hear the end of this one)

-Dropped by the fort just past closing time today on my day off and participated in a practice with the York boat. (MUCH more on this later as well. Plus MORE photographs!). Teaser: we raced with a real, live, wild beaver.

-Spent some time driving in the countryside while dropping off friends and coworkers who live on an acherage. In addition to getting my dinner paid for in lieu of gas money, I got a warm welcome and an ice cream sandwich when I stepped in the house from their mother. :)

All in all: this weekend was full of win for me. :D

Doctor Who GIFs will illustrate:

How I feel about life right now:

What happens when I think of the near future:

Also, this needs to happen. Like, I'm the guy, and life is that awesome lynx:

Pretty much this is just me to everyone I know now. I'm probably pretty annoying in real life:

france calls to me, fort-its-just-that-awesome-edmonton, happiness

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