Something for all you George fans

Apr 30, 2010 09:33

Bonus story before I leave town for a few days:

Title;  Patty Slap
Author:  Kathry O
Pairing:  John/George
rating;  PG
timeframe:  Early days between Hamburg sets
Summary:  Little George has a crush on John, but it's starting to cramp John's style
Disclaimer:  Though I have no idea why George slapped Patricia Inder, which really did happen, I think it is quite obvious don't you?

Patty Slap

It was quite obvious to anyone else that George had some sort of crush on me.  He followed me around endlessly like a puppy practically swooning over me.  I didn’t mind any of it myself except for the fact he was still a kid and as a kid, he quite didn’t get my signals to leave me alone with a bird I was chatting up.  He was only about fifteen when we first met.

Cynthia was the first girl I started dating that George really became a sort of problem with.  Well, more for Cynthia at times then me.  I didn’t always mind having him around, but yeah, there were times when I tried to avoid him just so I could be alone with a bird like Cyn.

He’d turn up in the most startling of places such as us ducking down alleys or something to sort of avoid him and there he’d be turning a corner right in front of us.  I doubt he picked up on us trying to ditch him.  Once he asked me, “Didn’t you see me wave?”  He really didn’t have a clue.

It was funny a few times when he caught up with me and Cyn trying to go to the cinema to see a picture.  We’d hope to sit alone in the dark and hold hands while maybe sneaking a kiss or two.  Who knows, maybe we’d even get brave in the back row.  Somehow George found us heading to the theater and caught up with us, innocently asking if he could join us.  How could we say no?  He actually sat on my other side a few times.  Cynthia was fuming about it but I was actually amused.  I didn’t try to but I bet if I tried to hold George’s hand in the dark, he’d let me.  I really do believe that.  The poor kid would have probably been so thrilled he’d cream in his jeans from the excitement.  He really was that bad when it came to his feelings for me.

George seemed to have no problem with my relationship with Cynthia despite her problems with him.  He was always pretty nice to her anyway.  But there were plenty of other girls in my life at the time.  I dated quite a few and some of them didn’t seem to think he was that adorable, or really found him to be just in the way.

One such bird was Patty Inder.  She was this pretty Bridgette Bardot look-alike who came to all our shows from the very beginning and always stood out side the door waiting for us.  She was really cute but at the time she was only fifteen herself.  Way too young for me but I liked her anyway.  I actually asked her how did we sound and I really listened to her responses and took them to heart.  She was someone I could talk to about our music.  She was so small and looked so cute among the crowd of toughs and roughs that usually greeted us during those days.  I even wrote and dedicated a song for her at certain performances and it thrilled her.  I used to call her my own little Bridgette Bardot.

Four years later she was still following us but something had changed.  She was no longer too young.  She had grown up and was now nineteen.  I figured she’d be old enough to date me now.  We went out a few times and I won’t bore you with the details, but we ended up shagging pretty regularly.

Neither of her parents were ever home.  Her father was off to sea or something and her mom was like this famous ballroom dancer.  So she could bring me back to her place and we could shag in her room all we wanted.

I got pretty close to her too.  I told her about my parents, something I didn’t often do and I started to bring her around to meet my mates.

Paul got on with her pretty fine.  She had this friend Sue that he fancied and as an added bonus, her house with no parental supervision had a spare bedroom.  Paul and Sue could go in there and shag to their delights.  When things between him and Sue soured, Patty had a steady supply of girlfriends that Paul fancied and he almost always was in that spare room with one of them.  Ole McCartney, he was a town bull.

Patty even bumped into Cynthia a few times in the ladies room.  She wondered if Cynthia knew but didn’t think so.  I certainly wasn’t going to say anything.

My relationship with Paul was growing at this time as we both were doing some heavy growing up together.  We got to spend quite a bit of time with each other as I screwed Patty and he screwed her friends.  I didn’t stop to think what this might have been doing to George.  I guess he was just left out in the cold but I didn’t even consider it.  He was nineteen now too and dating himself.  I figured he was just off with his girlfriend most of the time.

My first clue that something was amidst with George came right after a show.  Patty was there as usual along with Cyn somewhere in the audience.  I had glimpses of both of them at certain points.

Afterwards, there was the crowd of girls clamoring to meet us and I waded through them with all of us thoroughly enjoying ourselves.  Patty was right there in the middle of it all as usual only this time she held her hand over her cheek and looked pretty upset.

“George just slapped me,” She said.

I was a little stunned by that and said something dopey like, “Huh?”
 “George just walked up to me, gave me a really mean look and slapped me in the face.  Right here.”  She took away her hand to show me a small red mark that was fading pretty fast.  He didn’t hit her hard, but why would he do such a thing at all?

Later when we were alone in her room, she asked me, “Do you think George fancies me and got jealous that I’m with you?”

It was a possibility.  She did look just like Bardot, his idol and mine but I don’t think it was that.  I knew what it was and I couldn’t even begin to tell her.

I could see the truth like handwriting on the wall.  Yeah, George was jealous of her dating me but not because he fancied her.  He was jealous because of all my time she took away from him and with Paul being comfortable with the arrangement as well, George saw even less of either of us.  He was being a jealous kid but not for the reasons she thought and I couldn’t even begin to explain it to her without making him sound like a queer or something, so I just said, “I don’t know.  He’s never said anything to me about it if he does.”  And we left it at that.

But I figured I better start throwing the kid a few bones to chew on.  He was my mate after all.


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