
Dec 10, 2007 12:04

I usually feel as though time distorts and slows in December. Days drift on forever. Three weeks feels like three years. Short simple conversations feel very long and detailed. It's not an impatient or bored kind of slowness, more of a calm and slightly distracted kind of slowness. I know it's not seasonal affective disorder (SAD) because I don't feel depressed or irritable. Other people I know report this kind of sensation as well in December, so there could be something to this phenomenon, though I have no idea if it's widespread.

Like most psychological things it could have various explanations. It could be cultural and social, from the childhood memories of being impatient for Christmas and the holidays. It may be from chemical shifts caused by the short days and long nights and the cold, an evolutionary remnant of the mamillian need to hibernate.

Or it may be that one of those little Wizards from Final Fantasy goes around casting a Slow spell on people, but no one ever sees them do it. :)

slowness, december

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