I was going to post this yesterday, but LJ was down for me. So you get it today, instead.
I've got a new motorcycle, that I bought myself for my birthday. It's a 2007 Yamaha YZF600R Thundercat. Yes, Thundercat. European market bikes get way better names than American market ones. Like Thundercat and Fireblade. Stuff sold here gets incomprehensible strings of letters and numbers. Thundercat. So much better.
Because of that, I sold off my Buell (for more than I bought the Yamaha for). So that's one less payment. I also finished off my student loans. one less payment there, too.
My refinancing of my house closes on Monday, which feels very grown up. Annoyingly enough, the amount that I need to bring to closing keeps scootching up. First it was $140. Then it was $350. Now it's $650. That part is mildly irksome.
I also did some major pruning of the shrubberies in my yard. Now I have an 8-foot tall pile of branches in my back yard. I'm working on talking Robin's husband into borrowing a big truck to do a dump run this weekend.
The mangled Focus and Juke are still sitting on their corner, no longer on top of each other, but still all mangled up. I wonder why they aren't fixed yet.
On the book front, I am almost through with the Hunger Games trilogy. It's pretty good. I also finished Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan trilogy. Also very good, with a LOT less killing. Finally, I'm going to recommend to all of you my favorite Halloween book, Roger Zelazney's "A Night in the Lonesome October". It's a quick read, and sadly out of print, but I bet your local library has a copy. Do yourself a solid and borrow it and read it. It'll only take you an evening.
Now, for your edification, here's a few photos.
October 3, 2011