Aug 01, 2005 17:40
tomorrow is my day off, and im SO excited for it!!!
well, im officially done with Champs. its kind of sad, because it WAS my first job and all. tear. it was a fun night though. im pretty sure i gained about 12 pounds. i brought it a cake, brandon brought brownies, and dani ended up bringing in runts, which is random, but they were good. plus we drank pop and ate fries and stuff. mmmmmmmmm it was so good.
sunday was a good day too. went to my family reunion with jerry, which was fun. my family is kind of intimidating at first, and jerry has always felt weird, but he said he felt like he was more a part of the family yesterday and that he thinks my uncles really like him, which is good. its hard to make someone feel welcome when you already know that they are without feeling fake. my family will love him because he loves me. he makes me happy, so that makes them happy. its just hard to get him to see that sometimes, and i understand it because i always felt the same way. oh well. its all good now. :)
anyways...then we left and he brought me home. then he called me like, five minutes later and said he wasn't working on his boat (they bought a new one), and that i could come over. so i went over there and we took a nap. then we got up and went outside to play catch, because i thought it would be fun. did that for a little bit and then went to see Wedding Catchers. it was hilarious, but the surround sound kept going off in the movie theater. some girl finally got up and complained, and she got her money back, and then at the end of the movie they gave us all free movie passes, not that i even want to go back there. it was really frustrating!!! after the movie we went to steak and shake which was good, as it always is. then we went to his house and i came home to go to bed.
today i worked and we were really flippen busy. and then my replacement decided to be 15 minutes late. its bad when you are that late, but have been there for the last hour eating. yeah. my manager was a little mad and flipped out on him when he FINALLY starting working. sweet. i cant stand that kid anyways.
well, after tomorrow i work wed (11:30), thursday (11:30), friday (5), saturday (12), and sunday (11). fun fun. i hate working in a kitchen because to get full time hours, you work ALLLLLLL the time. i wish i could just work five days a week and be done with it. that would be WONDERFUL. i love working in a kitchen, but if i could find a job that i got forty hours in that i could get insurance from and work monday-friday, or any five days in a row, i would be in heaven. you really don't realize how valuable a day off is until you only get one.
what else....not much actually. should probably go do the things my mom asked me to so i can enjoy my day off without having a million things to do. gonna. later!!
<3 Coie