Day 2 & 3

Sep 11, 2011 14:28

 Yesterday I was on duty or at a party all day, so there was no posting. It's still only day 2 for a lot of the world, though, so I don't feel too bad. :P Today I am also on most of the day, and I feel kind of like crap, so there will not be much today.

So for Day 2 & 3, you guys are getting tiny fics. This also comes with a tentative promise to write a three-sentence fic in comments for any prompts given. Prompts can be given for my main three characters, as well as my seven bonus ladies - Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica), Stephanie Brown (DC), Martha Jones (Doctor Who), Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), Guinevere (Merlin), M'gann M'orzz (Young Justice), and Amy Pond (Doctor Who).

Narnia. Susan & Lucy. Gen. 173 words.

"How're you feeling?" Susan asks, and Lucy sniffles and coughs.

"Miserable," she declares, and Susan laughs and comes in, mugs of tea hot in her hands.

"Have some tea," she says. "It's fresh from the kitchens, I even boiled the water."

"Oh Lion's Mane, are you trying to poison me?" Lucy says. "Are you sure you didn't accidentally burn the water?"

"If you aren't nice you don't get any tea," Susan warns, and hands Lucy's mug over carefully before perching on the side of the bed. "I see you've dismissed your loyal handmaidens."

"They could all use the day off, and it's not like I'm getting dressed." Lucy makes a show of sniffing the tea cautiously. "And you're sure this is safe to drink?"

"I will tell Doctor Flade you need to be examined," Susan says, and Lucy takes a quick swallow of tea.

"I'm sorry!" she says. "Don't do that, please." Susan smiles.

"I've got the dispatches for you," she says. "As soon as I'm sure you're hydrated you can read them."

family affairs
DC. Cassandra Cain & Damian Wayne. Gen. 224 words.
spoilers for Gates of Gotham #5.

She knocks on the door before coming in. Damian likes his privacy, she believes.

"Come in," he calls, and when she slips through the door he's watching it like a hawk, sharp and upright. He's waiting. There was expectation in his body before he saw her, and now it's draining away into stiffness and uncertainty.

"You did a good job," she says.

"You performed adequately as well," he allows. "I understand you're thinking of returning to Gotham."

"I might," Cassandra says.

"I believe Stephanie would be thrilled," Damian says. He is like a lock she does not have the key for yet, carefully assembled. She can see the cracks.

"And... you?" she asks.

"It's not my concern," he says.

"I'm asking."


"Because you are ... part of the family. It affects you." There is a long silence. He's struggling for words, like she has so often, not sure of what to say. She thinks that maybe he is trying not to offend her.

"I would not be averse to it," he says finally. He is looking away from her, unsure, tense. She is an unknown quantity and she can see him running the numbers in his head.

"Good," she says simply, and touches his shoulder before she leaves. He looks faintly startled and pleased as he watches her leave and she smiles back.

secrets kept
Young Justice. Artemis & Dick Grayson. Gen. 316 words.
Spoilers for Young Justice 1x08.

She doesn't tell him he's figured it out. One, she's pretty sure Batman would kill her, bury the body somewhere, and maybe replace her with a robot to keep her mom from trying to murder him in return. Two, it was actually pretty  hard and she figures he might as well keep his sense of victory because it's admittedly well earned. She only got it because someone shoved past him in the  hallway and in the moment  between falling and standing he didn't fall.

Still, the day Dick Grayson wins a mathlete competition (apparently second year in a row) Artemis cannot keep a straight face in the cave. Her second burst of laughter for no reason makes Superboy get up and stalk from the room, but he does that a lot anyways.

Dick corners her in a hallway after he calculates some distances on the map and she cracks up for the fourth time that day.

"You know," he says, irritated, and she grins. She feels a tiny bit guilty but not that much. "I told him it was stupid sticking you in the same school as me," Dick (Robin, it's always got to be Robin when they're in the field or the cave) says indignantly. "I told him you would figure it out."

"How long did it take you to recognize me, ten seconds?" Artemis scoffs. "You've still got me beat."

"Two days," Robin admits, and she grins.

"It was when you saw my rock-hard abs in gym class, wasn't it?" she says, and he rolls his eyes.

"You're ridiculous," he informs her.

"And you're a mathlete champion," she says. "I'm sorry, who's ridiculous again?"

"I'm going to murder Batman for this, you know," he says, and she slings an arm around his shoulder, dismissing the sinking feeling in her gut at how small he is.

"Yeah, let me know how that goes," she says.

three minutes down but who's counting
DC. Stephanie Brown and Dick Grayson. Gen. 436 words.

There's no crackle in her ear. Either the comms are out or Proxy's not there. It doesn't actually matter much which because in two minutes Stephanie Brown is going to get fed to a wood chipper and it won't matter whether someone's talking in her ear. She's pretty sure it's going to hurt either way.

She chances a look down.

Yeah, it's going to hurt. Her wrists already do from  having determined there genuinely is no way to loosen the bonds, and her ankles hurt similarly. Also her head. She suspects that's due to having been bashed with something really heavy and hard.

"I thought death traps were outdated!" she yells, and then grins as she finds the one thing they didn't.

"It does seem a bit silly," one of the henchmen says dubiously.

"The boss wants it to be a show," another guy says, and is that a - oh for heaven's sake is the video camera absolutely necessary?

"Right, go ahead, film your upcoming humiliation," Stephanie says.

"You can't do anything to us," one of them says, and she makes a point of sighing heavily.

"Not me, dumbass," she says. "You didn't find my last tracking beacon. And guess who it's calling right now?" There's a dawning look of horror in their eye's. Damn it, how come no one ever gets that look for her? Cass gets it all the time.

"Vengeance," Grayson says, looming up out of the dark.

She's still laughing when the expertly thrown batarang lands her on the now-switched-off wood chipper. Four seconds later and she's swinging a bookshelf on some guy's head. It's all a bit of a blur after that, really, and then she's sitting in the batmobile, costume piled on her lap.

"Alfred will get you patched up in no time," Grayson assures her, and she nods.

"Mmhmm," she says. "Thanks for coming. Nice of you to drop in on the party."

"Sorry it took me so long, I lost my invitation in the mail."

"You can take the boy out of the Robin," she says with a grin.

"You quip just as much as me, don't talk," he says.

"I do it with style, it's true," Stephanie says, and her grin turns into a yawn.

"Good work out there," he says. "I'm sorry the intel was bad." She waves her hand.

"Eh, what's twenty extra guys when you're already expecting ten?" she says.

"A concussion and death trap?" he says.

"Laugh while you still can, Batman," she says. "Are you sure I can't drive?"

"Positive," he says firmly.


"When your concussion is gone, maybe."


This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. There are
comments there.

artemis crock, stephanie brown, young justice, ladies, dick grayson, fandom: narnia, susan pevensie, fandom: young justice, cassandra cain, lucy pevensie, damian wayne, fandom: batfamily, feminism, fanfiction

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