Day 4 of Ladies Fest

Sep 13, 2011 09:36

Today: assorted everythings. (Technically it is the morning of Day 5. It's still night time for you guys so there! :P Day 5 post will come later.)


For the record I have 32 bookmarks tagged char:susan and I generally only tag things with that if they're genuinely very much about that character, so.

I honestly can't recommend just one or two of them, it's far too difficult.

Annnd I'm going to be slightly egotistical and relink to the vid I did for her.

In Some Dreaming State, which is either a meta-vid or a character-vid. Still not really sure which. :P

I also have a Susan poem today!

Northwest // Stacie Cassarino

I admit, I am afraid of isolation,

and of the way the land breaks off here
into pieces,

and of the woman who says forever
moving her tongue along my skin
like she means it.

If I believe her, I will suffer.
If I don't believe her, I will suffer.

Who has never wanted to be unneeding?

One year since I've seen the mountains
or had proof love could be enough.
The mind loves hope.
Dumb heart, come down from the walnut tree.
All the distance is ultimately a lie.

In Alaska, the heart was a fourteen-pound King.
In Seattle, she held a fishing pole to the sky.
She waited.

I will remember this version of me.
I will remember loganberry, fishscales, the future,
the letter that says: love can sidewind.

Dear god, it is years since I've prayed.
I understand the birds are holy.
I understand the body leads us to love, or

this is one way of knowing the world.

Cassandra Cain

I wanted to talk about her friendship with Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon briefly, because one of my favorite things about her comic series was how often it passed the Bechdel test. Like. Every issue it passed the Bechdel test, seriously.

Her relationship with Barbara is kind of a confusing one. Barbara doesn't get her at first and finds her really frustrating, but she tries anyways. Teaches her how to read and supports her in the field, and Cass brings her apples and makes fun of her sometimes in her own special way and thinks of her in some ways as her mother. It's really lovely. (In recent comics it's been treated... very badly.)

And then her friendship with Stephanie Brown - oh man you guys they are just THE ACTUAL BEST. I ship it for sure, but I also ship them as just life-long BFF's who know each other's secrets and love each other unreservedly and will always always have each other's back. I just. I don't actually know how to talk about their friendship, guys, I just love it too much. HAVE A FEW PANELS.


when I say they are best friends forever what I mean is when they're in danger and scared or dying they hallucinate each other. every time.


Cassandra Cain, best ninja assassin baby EVER.

Artemis Crock

So this is the last scene of her first episode. a) girl's got skills. b) poor girl has been vouched for by Green Arrow and Batman and she still has people going "DON'T HURT MY FRIENDS" at her. (Red Arrow, frequently kind of a jerk.)

image Click to view

also a couple panels of her origin story comic because I can.

You should all go read Young Justice #7, seriously, she's FANTASTIC in it.

Martha Jones (who was technically my Day 3 additional lady but I forgot halfway through that I needed to do two extra ladies because I was doing two days)

This is just a SUPER fun fic and features Martha along with Gwen and Tosh from Torchwood prank calling the doctor. I KNOW.

Hello, Doctor by shaggydogstales.

I'm also going to go ahead and rec four lovely Doctor Who companion vids. :D

Book of Days by kaydeefalls, which is a beautiful look at all these fantastic women.

OMG by obsessive24.

What About Everything by calapine, because it has ALL THE COMPANIONS and oh man guys they are just THE BEST.

I also suggest checking out wingedflight21's journal, who is doing Martha for the entire fest!

Ginny Weasley

I don't actually have pretty much any Ginny stuff bookmarked because I.. don't really read Harry Potter fic or am in Harry Potter fandom at all.

I just know that I love Ginny in all her madcap, full of life, brave intelligent joy. She's not a perfect person, but she's someone who tries so very, very hard. Guys she's the Weasley sibling most like the twins why is everyone not in love with her? She plays Quidditch, and damn well! She takes charge when she needs to, she's a brilliant and skilled witch, she's so loyal, she has a hopeless crush on Harry and I want SO MUCH MORE about her behind-the-scenes friendship with Hermione, oh man. I'm pretty sure they had regular sleepovers and gossiped about stuff.

"It's useless wandering around after Harry," Hermione tells her. Ginny sighs.

"I know," she says.

"Michael Corner's a bit fit," Hermione says.

"He is, though, isn't he?" Ginny says with a grin. "Have you seen his eyes?"

"Has anyone in this school not? I'm pretty sure he could make money off his smile."

"Are you coming to the Quidditch game tomorrow?"

"Do I ever miss it?" Hermione says cheerfully. "You're going to kick everyone's ass."

I know the timing is all wrong for that conversation but I imagine them just hanging out and being fantastic all the time. I WOULD WATCH THE HERMIONE AND GINNY SHOW, GUYS. I WOULD WATCH IT SO HARD.

MORE COMING TONIGHT. :D This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. There are
comments there.

poetry, artemis crock, stephanie brown, young justice, ladies, harry potter, ginny weasley, narnia, susan pevensie, cassandra cain, hermione granger, martha jones, barbara gordon, doctor who, dc

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