this is the funniest article I've read in a while, but it also makes me sad. Sad that anyone could be so close minded, and even sadder that there are many, many people that agree with him. For those of you who are too lazy to read the entire thing, it's about why this guy believes in Creationism, and here are the two lines that I think are just plain ridiculous:
The primary reason I believe, of course, is because the Bible tells me so. That's good enough for me, because I haven't found the Bible to be wrong about anything else.
Think of all the world's legends about dragons. Look at those images. What were those folks seeing? They were clearly seeing dinosaurs. ...How could all the thousands of historical records of dragons and behemoths throughout mankind's time on earth be ignored?
I don't really think I should touch the first one, but I will say that the Bible also says that the penalty for divorcing and remarrying is death. What's that, you say? 50% of all marriages end in divorce now? Well that's too bad, divorced and remarried people, because now you all have to die, because the Bible tells me so. Let me go get my gun.
As for the second line, dragons are true because someone wrote about them? I guess we need to teach our children about vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein, and The One Ring as well.