I am the best imitation of myself . . . .

May 31, 2007 11:54

1) I am still recovering from being sick last week. Sore throat is better, but clogged nose. They say when you sneeze, part of your soul escapes (thus the reason we say "God Bless You" after someone does). I'm hoping my cold will escape out my nose too.

2) Lots of procrastination this week. I can't believe it's hitting me so early. Maybe it's because it's summer, or I live with my friends, or i'm sick. I dunno, but I have to stop NOW. I am on the 3.5 GPA borderline, and I can't lose it.

3) Had my mock interview today. Had to dress up in the full suite for it (you know, the one that doesn't really fit?). I don't mind dressing nice, but i just need a suite that fits (and I don't put it in the dryer, and I don't mix it in with colors). I also need a shitload of business casual clothing for Disney. I need to lose weight.

4) Oh yeah, the interview, sorry. Read about it at "theimagineer" lj cuz I haven't posted there in a while.

5) I love the end of a month, because a new month is just about to start. With the first week in June, I hope to:

-Go to the gym. Regularly. I did, until I got sick.
-Practice. again regularly. I did, once, before I got sick.
-Start managing my money better. I really need to save up.

Hope all is well with all of you!

>-ttt-< :)
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