Fate Meets Destiny: Epilogue

May 11, 2008 19:42

Title: Fate Meets Destiny 
Author: bbmgirlfan
Pairing: Ennis/Jack (AU/AU)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: just playing with the boys, they don't belong to me

Summary: Jack and Ennis grew up together and even went to the same college before moving back home to take over each family's business. They became roommates but that's all they were! Or, is it?


The doorbell rang just as Jack was getting the apple pie out of the oven, so after giving him a quick swat on the butt, Ennis went to answer it. Katie had cooked the turkey, Joey had brought mashed potatoes, Mrs. Bendelmen had dropped off a sweet potato casserole, some rolls and some sweet tea, one of the waitresses at the coffee house had arrived already with stuffing, so that must be John and his date, Mark, with the wine.

Jack was glad that he and John had been able to remain friends. He and Ennis had even done some double dating with John and Mark.

Just then, Jack heard Ennis greeting them, laid the pie on the counter, and went to greet the last of his guests for the evening. Soon everyone had a drink in hand, there was soft music playing in the background and the scent and glow of pumpkin and cinnamon candles.

Looking at them all through the kitchen pass-through, Jack thought about how glad he was that they all were here. They were like family to him and to Ennis.

But he wished their parents had come, too. In his fondest imagination, they would all be here and would enjoy their friends as much as Ennis and Jack did.

Ennis and Jack had come out to their parents a few weeks earlier by phone. Neither conversation had gone particularly well. Jack's parents had said they still loved him but definitely needed some time to get used to it and thought maybe they "might" come at Christmas but would let Jack know.

Ennis's parents had made their disappointment even more clear.

They told him that God did not approve and neither did they and said they hoped this was merely some kind of delayed teenage rebellion. Ennis figured his father probably wished he'd just tried drugs, instead. Jack chuckled as he remembered Ennis telling him he thought that would have gone over better!

Basically, Ennis's parents were not speaking to him right now and had told him to let them know when he "came to his senses."

Ennis had cried that night and Jack had held him, crying with him. Since then, they'd both reminded each other several times that families were not just imposed, but also could be created and chosen. Jack smiled as he looked out at their family of choice, beginning to take their places around the table.

Ennis walked in just as Jack took off his apron and laid it aside.

They hugged each other for a long moment, needing to savor that feeling of closeness before going back out to be with the others.

"Are you missing your family?" Jack asked.

"A little." Ennis admitted. "But I'm glad to be here with you!"

"Me, too!" Jack agreed.

Just as they kissed, they heard, "Alright, you two! Get out here so we can eat!"

They broke apart, laughing, and then walked back in hand-in-hand to join their friends.

The End

Thank you so much for reading! :)

epilogue, fate meets destiny, au/au, jack/ennis, bbmgirlfan

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