Fate Meets Destiny: Afterthoughts

May 17, 2008 19:19

Title: Fate Meets Destiny 
Author: bbmgirlfan
Pairing: Ennis/Jack (AU/AU)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: just playing with the boys, they don't belong to me

Summary: Jack and Ennis grew up together and even went to the same college before moving back home to take over each family's business. They became roommates and then, realized they were in love. As we join them now, they have been together for several months. Jack's parents came down for a very awkward Christmas, stayed two days and hurried back to Florida. Ennis's parents (i.e. his mother) sent a card but other than that, have not been in touch.

You may want to remind yourself of what happened in the Prologue, here ... bbmgirlfan.livejournal.com/4409.html#cutid1... before reading this chapter...

It started out much like any other night. Jack had gotten home first and had started dinner already when Ennis pulled into the driveway. They had pasta for dinner and then, finished their glasses of wine on the back porch, enjoying the gentle breeze and the moonlight.After doing the day's dishes, they grabbed their jackets and went for a moonlight walk on the beach. A few others were out but the night was quiet. After their hour-long walk, telling each other about their day, Ennis started a fire in the fireplace, they changed into sweats, popped some popcorn and settled in to watch a movie.

It was New Year's Eve, their first together as a couple, and since none of their friends had planned anything, they had decided to celebrate at home. So after the movie, they turned to the countdown channel, put it on mute and then went to hang out on the balcony for a while. A couple of months before, they had put two space heaters out there so they could enjoy it even in winter.

They had been out there only a couple of minutes before Ennis reached into his pocket and handed a fairly large, familiar-looking crystal to Jack. "Do you recognize this?"

"Is that the crystal we used to make our oath when we were kids?"

"The very same!"

"Oh my gosh!" Jack said. "Have you had it all this time? I wondered what had happened to it."

"Remember my treasure box that I had as a kid, that I used to keep on top of my dresser?" Ennis asked.

"The one you now keep hidden in the bottom drawer beneath a pair of sweats?" Jack asked.

Ennis grinned sheepishly. "That's the one! I kept it in there."

"Will you hold it for a moment?" Ennis requested when Jack began to hand it back to him. Jack did and Ennis grabbed his other hand.

This is right
This is true
I mean what I'm about to say to you

The bond we have 
will never be severed
You are my very best friend
And I'll love you forever!

As Ennis finished the slightly-revised oath, Jack smiled tremulously, threw his arms around him and squeezed him tight. "I can't believe you remembered that!" Jack said, voice husky with emotion.

After Jack pulled back just enough to kiss Ennis sweetly on the lips, Ennis reached into his other pocket and put something in the hand he had been holding.

"Will you marry me?" Ennis asked as Jack lifted the box to look with wonder at the ring it held.

"Oh my god!"

Jack said yes just as they heard the countdown begin. They kissed their way into the new year, fated, destined to be together.

fate meets destiny, au/au, jack/ennis, afterthoughts, bbmgirlfan

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