Doing what I do best..

Nov 12, 2010 15:31

Me and procrastination have always gotten along awesome. I have a ton of homework and would like to do none of it. It's driving me crazy how I've sort of made one of my classes a priority and the others kind of suffer for it. But this teacher stresses me out like no ones business. And now the classes that I've been sort of slacking with are catching up to me. So I now have a ton of homework that needs to be done, and I'd almost rather be doing anything else.

On the plus side I've actually surprised myself with how well the classes are going overall, despite my overwhelming amount of homework. And I'm kind of looking forward to my next big project that will be starring these guys:

Aaah! Real Monsters (remember them??) as the mascots for my "Hairballs" cereal box project.. gross lol, but I found it kind of funny.

And now I'll go try and forget how much my next semester's schedule really truly sucks while reminding myself that my homework won't do itself (dammit).


rl, procrastion is awesome, school

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