Who's idea was this again?

Sep 12, 2010 23:58

So I survived the first week, but who knows about the whole year... School's school, and I'm already wondering what possessed me to go back. I'm hoping once all is said and done I'll appreciate my ridiculous idea, but as of right now I can already feel the stress that's just waiting to pile up. Five classes was me going a little overboard, and I'm definitely going to kick myself for it at some point. I've already got projects lined up, and I'm still trying to figure out if I can even survive in basic art classes. I'm going for web design people, maybe I was just a little too optimistic about getting to the computer stuff and didn't realize that I'd have to learn how to do things by hand and on paper first. 'Cause by hand and on paper?? Takes foreveeerrr. I like to doodle and whatnot as much as the next person, but I'm gunna need a whole lot of patience and luck to survive this semester. And money. A whole lot of money too.. Who knew art supplies were so expensive? I sure as hell didn't and I swear I've never been to AC Moore and Michael's so many times in my life. Forget seeing me at the mall and movies.. I'll be at the art stores :D (And school, and work... Why did I do this again?)

So yeah, little late night rant. At this rate there'll be a whole collection of these before Christmas.

Wish me luck, and patience, and Advil...

Loves xx

rl, school, rant

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