And it begins...

Sep 06, 2010 18:42

...tomorrow. First day of classes, luckily it's only one for the day, so I'll be easing into it a little bit after two years of nothing but work. *Crosses fingers* that I'll have no teachers from hell, or completely useless and mind numbing classes.. Cuz yeah, been there done that and this year will run muuuuch more smoothly if I don't have any repeats =P

I'm still optimistic, tho. I'm soo looking forward to something new to break this completely boring routine that I have going right now. So hopefully: 1) I won't totally regret my classes and major, 2) money won't get too tight considering my work hours have pretty much been chopped in half, and 3) nothing majorly disastrous will come from all this.. 'Cause really, having my car smashed (while in it) was more than enough drama for me this year.

On a none school related note, after waiting rather impatiently for a year for Rob Thurman's second Trickster Novel to come out I finally got it. The Grimrose Path was pretty awesome, I'm thinking Trick of the Light (the first of the series) might be slightly more my favorite and got a few more laughs, but this one was just as great... Definitely a recommended read :)

I'm pretty psyched that tomorrow is also the release for the Supernatural and Criminal Minds DVD sets. I'll be making my way to Best Buy ASAP after my class is out... and hopefully get that awesome little key chain thingy that's supposed to come with the Supernatural DVDs. So between school, work, and Supernatural and Criminal Minds marathons I'm thinking I'll be a little busy for a while.. *shrugs with a grin* Oh, well.

Laters xx

rob thurman, criminal minds, rl, book rec, supernatural, school

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