School school school.. why?

Mar 24, 2011 01:48

So school officially ruins rules my life, and when I'm not in class or doing homework, I'm procrastinating on the homework I should be doing. Such an evil little vicious cycle.

Like right now? I should be in bed, or at least working on one of the many projects I have due in the next couple of weeks, but am I? Psh, 'course not. Instead I'm doodling like a kindergartner in photoshop, hence the new and appropriate icon.

On the positive side.. I have come up with some pretty cool results to my school projects and I'll probably post them on here at some point. And right now for my web design class we have to create a website based on our favorite book.. so I picked Rob Thurman's Leandros series and am currently working on a website for their little monster killing agency. Fun stuff.

And there's my ramble for the day.. off to read and then sleep, and then the dreaded school in the am (well afternoon, but still I have to wake up to an alarm clock).

Wish me luck sanity :)

laters xx

rl, ramble, random, school

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