food, tumblr, links, filk, teevee

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  • mumblesomething years ago

    batyatoon Dec 23, 2012 17:29

    The illustrious
    Read more... )

    geekery, teevee, new york, memes, fannishness, serious, squee, family, love

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  • Awake

    batyatoon Apr 10, 2012 22:05

    So hey guys.

    This show. I'm kind of digging it a lot and I suspect it's doomed. Any of you watching it? Thoughts?

    (I am caught up as of the most recent episode, "That's Not My Penguin". Spoiler protection is to be considered OFF in the comments.)

    [This entry was originally posted at Read more... )

    geekery, teevee, observing the world

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  • i'm still here. i'm not gone.

    batyatoon Dec 12, 2011 21:30

    Man, have I really not posted in here since September? *brushes dust off of random flat surfaces*

    Things I could post about but haven't been:

    • Recipes! I have recently made, among other things: low-carb kishka, sugar-free and dairy-free chocolate ganache frosting, and whole-wheat sourdough bread stuffing.
    • Books! For some reason, this year I' ( Read more... )

    links, teevee, observing the world, fannishness, food, serious, family, filk, writing, love, gainful employment

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  • the ad your ad could smell like

    batyatoon Jul 17, 2010 21:53

    Hello, folks. If you haven't seen the Old Spice ad the subject line is referencing, take a look at the ad. Now back to me.

    ...sorry. couldn't resist. ANYWAY.

    As I was perusing my flist the other day, I saw autographedcat's link, under the subject heading "Old Spice and Gender Politics in Advertising," to xiphias's interesting rumination on the commercial here. ( ( Read more... )

    serious, links, funny, teevee, sociopolitics

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  • and that ficlet thinger

    batyatoon Jan 26, 2010 00:57

    My first ever Battlestar Galactica fic. Set about a week after 4x14, "Blood On The Scales"; inspired heavily by the "Face of the Enemy" webisodes.

    Choaí )

    i made this!, sad, geekery, teevee, writing, fannishness

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  • that bit of SPN meta

    batyatoon Jan 24, 2010 23:50

    Promised I would post, this, so:

    Okay. The four archangels, traditionally, are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. In SPN Uriel doesn't seem to be an archangel, but never mind that for the moment.

    SPN meta behind the cut, inspired by and spoilery through episode 5x08, 'Changing Channels.' )

    geekery, teevee

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  • Memeish thing

    batyatoon Aug 06, 2009 19:35

    From infiniteviking: When you see this, post a random quirky Middleman exclamation in your lj.

    "Ghosts of the living!" -- My favorite so far precisely because [spoiler] it's unclear whether he means it as an exclamation or just a description of what's going on.[/spoiler]

    Why do I not have a Middleman icon yet?

    teevee, memes

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  • (Untitled)

    batyatoon Aug 28, 2008 22:02

    Been meaning to post a couple of memes lately. Most recently, from smallship1:

    1. Comment on this post.
    2. I will give you a letter.
    3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

    Gimme an H! )

    literature, geekery, teevee, memes

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