food, tumblr, links, filk, teevee

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  • (Untitled)

    batyatoon Nov 19, 2014 23:53

    Ugh, you guys, I have gotten so bad at posting to LJ/DW. And even at staying caught up on flist. I blame tumblr. In part at least. (Though I'm also currently failing at NaNoWriMo, so I dunno.)

    Posts I should be making:

    • A poll: should I link tumblr posts here the way some people do tweets? Is this a thing that might interest people?
    • Belated ( Read more... )

    food, conventions, i aten't dead, links

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  • Housefilk in Queens, September 21

    batyatoon Sep 03, 2014 22:03

    "Iiiit's that time again!"

    "Time to play the music?"

    "Time to light the lights?"
    "Actually, yes! Because it's time for another New York / New Jersey area housefilk!"

    Sunday, September 21, at Witts' End. Details and RSVP here. Feel free to boost the signal!

    [This entry was originally posted at Read more... )

    announcements, links, filk, new york, fannishness

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  • (Untitled)

    batyatoon Mar 27, 2014 23:06

    It is a momentous day in my personal history, friends.

    Yes, today is the day I finally won at 2048.

    Today I am a math god.

    (Tomorrow I will go back to squinting in abject bafflement at household finances, but TODAY I AM A MATH GOD.)

    [This entry was originally posted at http ( Read more... )

    links, squee

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