May 01, 2006 01:36
I just finished one of my worst papers ever, and reading everyone's memories of the cabin made me laugh out loud in the 24-hour quiet room. then maybe tear up a little.
i can't beleive those god damned animal chairs. or katherine's marshmellow message.
things people havn't mentioned:
1.) sneaking first wine with lauren in the kitchen and the resulting picture.
2.) making a mound of bacon
3.) katherine talking to william faulkner
4.) listeningn to the floor
5.) being so retarted we thought a mob or a moose was outside
6.) being paralyzed with laughter in my underwear with icecream in my mouth
7.) not being able to "speak words"
8.) Harmonizing with the music
9.) listening to the Eagles of Death Metal
10.) listening to SV
11.) pledging allegience to the flag
12.) Dancing with a spoon
13.) not remembering that delicous-looking pear
14.) partying on the porch
15.) katherine making check marks with liquid soap
16.) being a genius
so, how soon are we going back?