how i will (finally) miss you

Apr 15, 2006 12:03

This week has been really stimulating. On Wednesday i went with carrie to see a screening of a documentary on oil and america, then afterwards went to a Geography Major club meeting (CUGA?). Last night i watched The Take, which is about Argentinian workers taking over closed factories after big international companies pulled out of the country and the disadvantaages of globalization and free market policy. Afterwards I went to a vegan potluck and discussion, which was really intense and apparently happens every two weeks and they tackle different subjects each time. Needless to say that at each event i got frustrated and riled up to help change the world and met new people. I hate that college is starting to feel like college and Clark starting to feel like Clark right as i am about to leave. I kind of wish i were staying here like Carrie with her awesome internship. Because apparently a lot of shit goes down. and a lot of interesting people stay. As much as i thought i needed to get away from here and come home, Worcester suddenly seems like an opportune place. Of course i need to come home and see my friends. Although the prospects of me landing an internship at some community organization is looking kind of slim, so that sucks. At home i want to get involved. Next year at school i need to get involved. I have such a long list of shit to do. Why have i been so dormant. My atittudes and thoughts all semester have been leading to this week and this motivation that seems so obvious now that i am actually thinking about it. I am just a day dreamer so acting always seems impossible, but i know i know i know its not. and it is nice to have been exposed to examples of that throughout this whole year. Clark doesn't suck, i did. and i can put that past me now.

i think i am going to sit in on Global Society next year. Ever since i dropped it (without ever having gone [dumb mistake]) i had always semi-regretted not taking it. One reason was the intense amount of reading and work that in hindsight probably would have made me feel more productive 1st semester. but i had a hard enough time 1st semester doing the little work i had. This way i will just be able to listen. I am also really excited abotu auditing Spanish, if that Spanish lady will let me. I've also decided (for the time being. my major changes every hour) to try design an Urban Development major. It's dumb of me to take the minimal number of classes for the concentration, because i have to major in something else, when i really care about urban issies and want to learn as much about them as i can. However i dont think i am going to replace intro to sociology with Utopian Visions, Urban Realities, because i havnt gotten my urban major approved, i might want to double major in soc anyway, and Utopian Visions is a really uppper-level course with a really demanding teacher that i should probably wait to take once i have more urban shit under my belt. Plus, what with all the auditing, sitting in, and involvement i plan on doing next semester, i might need a few minutes to breathe everyday.

Edit: NEW DEVELOPMENTS! Last night i went to a benifit show in teh Grind for EPOCA which is trying to make it easier for ex-prisoners to get jobs. they have to go 10, 15, 20 years without being able to work! I can't go to the protest on thursday because i have a French presentation to do, but the show was a lot of fun. this oen hip hop duo had a lot to say about Puerto Rican nationalism and it complimented what i was learning in my Caribben class perfectly. This other group was some hip hop kids. After wards i watched Me You and Everyone We Know in the Wright lounge and ended up pushing all the couches together and having a big sleep over. it was so much fun! I've had other nights that pretty much follow this same structure (minus the sleep over) but they havn't really felt worth writing down. but now i'm feeling things Clark differently. Yay college! I really don't want Lia to go to Ecuador next year. :(

Spree day is tomorrow and i have a brownie, a whole lot of alcohol, and a list of parties to go to. It should be awesome.
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