High School

May 27, 2009 18:47

 Tomorrow is the last day of high school, and I am anything but sad. Albeit, I had some good times at the Bay, I feel as though I will be happier elsewhere. My greatest memory of course will be mock trial. And so I will start there to describe my high school experience.

Mock Trial. Words cannot describe how amazing this sport is. And yes it is a sport, a mind sport (at least that is what BU says, where I will be presiding next year.), it takes just as much time and just as must effort. Anyway it could define my high school career. Freshman year: Sr. Stella is the coach. The trial is a murder case, except there is no body, and we are not even sure that she is dead. The defendant is her best friend. I still believe her boyfriend is involved, she was in his car last, and he is backpacking in Europe, probably with her. Mandy was her name. My favorite part, the fact that Sr. Stella and I almost got into fisticuffs over the direction the bullet was facing. Needless to say I do not think we won a single trial and Sr. Stella still has the awards we won. She probably threw them out. Sophomore year: The coaches, Karen, who we beat this year in State finals!!, and Rose. The trial is about a boy who had a drug problem and died at a track meet at school from drugs he had bought at school. The family hoped to get money from the school. We won a trial, I believe. We did well that year, but no where near as good as Junior year: the case is about a girl who kicked another girl while playing soccer and did something to her disks in the lower lumbar region of her back, or whatever it was. Coaches were Amy Dodge, Ms. Pate, and Jessica Massey. We came in third in the state for point, however we did not make it to playoffs because we only one won, lost one, and tied with Hendriken, but they received the "win", if we had we would have gone to playoffs. So they changed the rules, because of us. That wasn't needed. Senior year: I could cry, it was that amazing. It was another murder, I began and ended with murder. Coacher were Ms. Pate, Amy Dodge, Jessica Massey, and Molly Richardson. Brit Reynolds killed Anne Piscatella because she was going to turn him in for cheating, but really it was Joey Garret. Anywho, it was my favorite trial by far. Maybe it was because we had seven trials, maybe it was because we won every single trial, maybe it was because we won every single one of the trials, maybe it's because we made it to playoffs for the first time that i was in high school, maybe it was because we won states and made it to nationals! Needless to say it was an amazing year. For the first time in my high school mock trial career I got a ten! My life is now complete.

Now you may have forgotten this was about high school rather than mock trial, although it seems as though my entire high school experience was mock trial. I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours at school because of mock trial, and loved every minute of it. But there were other experiences. I did track my freshman and sophomore year. I threw shot put, hahahahahaha. Enough said. I also did philosophy club my sophomore year, which i don't remember much about because we had about three meetings. i also did tech my junior and senior year, which was so much fun. I signed the wall, a picture will come soon.

I also had many many classes. O so many things to say. Brief summary of classes. Freshman year: Biology with Mr. Specht. O lord. Theatre with Mr. LeClaire. World Civ with Mo. Lit with Mr. Lord. Spanish with Senorita Ehrens. Algebra 1 with Mrs. Ricci. Study with Senora Keller and Mrs. Keffe. Relgion with Mrs. Loutouille.....hahahahahaha. Gym with Richards. Sophomore year: Chemistry with Mr. Sousa. Logic and Problem Solving with whatever her name was. History with Den Ken. Lit with Mrs. Williams. Spanish with somone whose name escapes me. Geometry with Mrs. Lupica. Study with Keefe and Testa. Religion with Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Pleasamts. Gym with Richards. Junior year: Physics with Mr. Goodwin. Poli Sci with Mrs. Morel. Law with Testa. AP US With Mrs. Morel. Lit with Wrye. Amazing woman. Spanish with Keller. Algebra 2 with Mrs. Traficante. Study with Ehrens. And religion with Mrs. Pleasants, and Dr. Sullivan. O Dr. Sullivan. Gym with McGraf.... Senior year: Forensics with Mr. Sousa. Computer with Sr. Pat. Euro with Mo. AMAZING! Lit with Ms. Williams. Stats with Lindert/Viruleg. Pre-Calc with Lindert/ Viruleg. FML. On campus = fantastic. Religion with Sr. Paulette and Dr. Sullivan. Gym with Mrs. Beaudette.
So many of those classes have so many memories. And some I forgot the teachers names, so if you remember please tell me....haha. I could write a book about my class experiences at BVA.

I will miss most of the teachers I had, they were pretty fantastic. I will miss mock trial the most, I cannot lie. I will be back to coach. I can't stay away from that. I could write more, but I have to finish my Forensics final so that I can graduate....otherwise this will all be for naught.

Class of '09, I have nothing to say to you. XD
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