Mock Trial Nationals

May 15, 2009 22:13

 Let me go back to the moment in April.

We were sitting in a courtroom after a trial that lasted for over three hours. There had been two emergency evacuations, and our defendant had passed out. We finished the trial and had to wait for a half hour for the results. AG Patrick Lynch as head of the jury gives a speech than says in a seven to one vote (my heart is beating out of my chest and I am about to pass out or vomit) we found in favor of defense.....which side is defense? US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now fast forward to when we are in Nationals. That is right Nationals!! We had never been to playoffs before, even though we were third in the state...but whatever. Then all of a sudden we are undefeated and going to Nationals!

First off I love cheese fries, the first food I ate in Georgia. Second I love our team.

Moving on to the first night which was the pin exchange/dance. We danced, us BVA girls worked that dance floor with the best of them. And we got pins. I was too busy dancing to get as many as I wanted, and then when I went to get them people had run out, but whatever, I will forever have my memories. And I met an awesome person from NH. O and before that we defied gravity, Paige and I, by jumping up and down on the elevator, and having two boys we had never met before join in. Mock Trial brings people together.

Next day = trials! Gasp!!! We were not nearly as prepared for Ashley and Phip as we were for Brit and Joey, so we had notes. That was my disclaimer. However, we first went against South Korea, after being stalked!!! That is right, stalked. A man followed us to the courthouse, got into a crowded elevator with all of us, harassed us, and finally left after nick-naming me yellow. Then he showed up the last night, and Ms. Pate had the police escort him away. Any who the SK team clearly broke the rules and used their nationality to try and aid them to win. Not cool, although they were adorable.
Lunch, I had liquid cheese on my sandwich..... 
Second trial = Kentucky. Paige you were so much better than Reese Witherspoon wanna-be. She was a rules Nazi, and looked stupid.
We went swimming and played Marco Polo with a huge group of people, of which I knew one strangers name. Which wouldn't make them strangers anymore, but that is beside the point.
 That night we went to the aquarium! Which was awesome. I educated everyone on how to be saved by a whale shark, and I died on the Titanic.
Three Words = Alice in Wonderland...............................................

Next day. Third Trial =Wyoming. They were good. Again with the rules. Did we miss that memo? I think we won, even though we do not know as of yet.
Lunch, liquid cheese again....
Fourth Trial = Oklahoma. Rules Communists. Like honestly we never got that memo. But I still think we held our own.
We went swimming again, and I bled all over the place. Period.
Then we had a banquet/dance. It was mucho fun. We met more awesome people from other states, I spent an hour talking to my friend from NH, and learned we have a lot in common. I also danced barefoot to the point where I lost a lot of skin off my toe. It is now that ok? So Pate called at midnight and said we had to be back in our rooms in five minutes. So we ran up, and I then soaked my feet with Paige, stayed up til two and got three hours of sleep, but it was well worth it!

That is just a brief overview. But the experience was amazing, and I wish we had had more time down there with all the kids from the other states. There are some pretty awesome people across the country. The weather was lovely which made it all the more enjoyable. I will miss Georgia and the awesome people!

My high school mock trial days are now over. This makes me sad. I have dedicated four years of my life to this, my longest commitment ever. Through the ups and downs it was so much fun, and has only solidified the course in life I choose to take when I was five. I am serious about coming back to coach. I enjoyed the experience so much, the thrill of winning, and the amazing team that I was a part of all four years. Even though we had our drama, what do you expect at an all girl's school, we pulled through and worked it out. I will never forget all the crazy things that happened, and I will never forget that we beat Wheeler. They are not unbeatable, we are!!!!!!! So thank you everyone for making my last year so unbelievably great, and being so great that we went to Nationals. It was the greta tasting icing on a cake that was already fantastic, but that the icing made perfect!! (in BVA fashion I used a food analogy. XD)
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