The weekend roadtrip didn't go as planned, as I guess once my taekkyeon brothers' sadistic glee at the prospect of feeding YooSoo and me strange Korean foodstuffs wore off, they both realized they had weddings to attend, though at different times of the day. So we wound up going local. So far they have introduced me to shreds of raw beef (served with radish shoots, raw egg, slivers of pear, sliced cheese corners, and mystery dipping sauce), live octopus ("Stop POKING it and just eat it!"), and boiled pig feet with spicy noodles. I think they felt very diabolical indeed, because at one point they wondered aloud if they might incur the wrath of Joe ("What if he's all 'Why are you feeding my girlfriend a pig's feet and a live octopus?! This isn't Old Boy!'")
This weekend also marks the first time I've ever beaten a Korean at an arcade game! But it was Soul Calibur and not Tekken 5/6, so maybe it was unfair in my favor.
I also bought things. A lot of things. Please stop me.
Firstly, a gigantoscarf! My dad gave me a nice stiff wool muffler that keeps out the wind (and which I've recovered from when I left it at the pub after a night out with my tk bros), but it's short, and leaves a gap at the base of my throat. I'd been jealously eying the superlong mufflers of which everyone around me seemed to be proud, warm owners, so I finally went looking for one.
For some reason, Hongdae was sadly lacking in brightass banana yellow winter wear (though I did see a touk in that shade), so I couldn't get one à la Gallim Aufry. Then I saw THIS, which matches absolutely nothing that I own, but I loved the color and the price, so it became mine.
And then I bought these from the Dr. Martens store.
We shall not discuss how much I spent on them.
But I got the very last pair in the store (the display one), and they happened to be in my size, which is also as small as this style comes. DESTINY.
Salesgirl: Do you want a bag for your old shoes?
me: Could you just throw them away?
Yes, they had gotten to that point. Shredded soles, perpetually filthy socks. Ah, well. It was getting too cold for 'em, anyway.
And today I bought my first pair of mittens since I was six!
Oh, mais regard!
...I'm not proud of all my choices.