Dec 11, 2010 01:49
My End of the Year Resolution = to be a better web presence. I just want all of ye to know that I do in fact read all of your posts always, even the ones tucked behind cuts with warnings of tl;dr -- I'm just really crappy at commenting. I'm going to try to remedy that.
Also I'm going to try to post more often, even if it's just with silly inconsequential things, so as to plague your flists and force you to unforget me >:)~
So today I had lunch with most of my department + a couple other teachers, and someone was like, "MAKGEOLLI Y/Y?" and everyone was like, "YES," and that was how I wound up drinking at noon like the lushiest lush of Planet McLush.
AND THEN tonight I had soju with anju of shreds of raw beef + STILL WRIGGLING CHUNKS OF OCTOPUS with my taekkyeon brothers. They gave me so many ideas for Korean/East Asian-based fantasy fics, s'awesome. Also we have a roadtrip planned for this weekend so they can force feed Yusu and me Super Authentic Korean Foodz. :D/D8 ?
Lately I've been thinking that I should try to go vegetarian, because the philosophy makes sense on many levels, but the major obstacle is how FUCKING MEGA DELICIOUS I find meat. As noted above, I will eat it raw if it is available. I can't cook, and mostly what I eat is meat, bread, and cheese. It would be a horrifyingly difficult transition. I'll have to consider it more deeply. But if my pal Kammerud, who has crazy food allergies on top, can do it, then surely, SURELY, I can make the attempt, at least when I go back Stateside.
Apropos of nothing I have to mention, at the risk of disgusting everyone, that sometimes I just sit on the subway and think about how much I adore my boyfriend. And then I probably look like a crazy person, just grinning away at thin air. Lately he has been buying me incredible Xmas presents and I don't know how to handle it. What do I dooo? (Joe, look AWAY.)
Shit, whatever, man. If I can be a violent, draconian dictator in the making AND still squeal ridiculously at every cute and/or fluffy thing that trundles into my line of vision, I can be punk as fuck AND in love. ;P <^>