After 37.5 hours of recorded game play spread over 3 months of time, I've finally finished Xenosaga 2. I'd have to describe it as epic. Frankly, I hope they make it into a book or something. I follow the game pretty well, but seriously, if you were to space a 37 hour movie out over 3 months, you might not really remember the beginning either. Then, add to my confusion the fact that I played Xenosaga 1 over a year ago, I just don't remember the plot so well. I think a book would be easier to follow since it would be just plot, not fighting and adventuring as well.
But I'm hooked. I'll play the next one when it comes out. I actually got a little choked up at the end of this one. I think that means I'm into it. I just need to play the next one faster. 3 months is too long. I started to resent the game at the end. Though, luckily I found a good Walkthrough online (that included movies!) that helped me kill the end guy. He was a snap once I realized that I was being a total idiot about how I was fighting him.
All that being said, I think I'll lay off the RPGs for a while. If I played them on the weekends, it might be different, but I only play PS2 during the week for the most part. That means I only play 30 to 70 minutes at a time. Most of the times its just those 30 minute blocks too. And, really, when you think about it, was it worth 40 hours of my life? Cause that's probably a better estimate. I mean, I died more than once after playing/fighting for at least 20 minutes. That time doesn't get recorded.
You know what though? It was worth it, like I said, the story is fucking epic. I wish they would make a book series out of it, I will gladly read it cover to cover. As it is, I keep reading the different plot synopses online. I do that mostly cause I'm not so "quick" to pick up the finer points of story lines. So I let those synopses fill in the blanks in my memory and mind.
Huh, the plural of synopsis is synopses. That seems so weird to me. It looks like I just mispelled synopsis. How confusing is that? It should be synopseizes. That does it for me. Whatever.
My inability to really think about what I'm reading is also probably the reason I hate this book I'm reading now. I can't follow it, and its too... poetic... or maybe lyrical with its writing. I'm a very simple man, and my brain is a simple brain. Sure, if I re-read or re-watch something enough times I'll start to find those things... what is it? That thing in books and movies? It gives them meaning. Oh yeah! The themes.
I need something more blatant sometimes. That's why I get System of a Down. This latest album is pretty much slap-you-in-the-face political. It's not hard to guess what they are trying to convey in the lyrics, "Why don't presidents go to war? Why do they always send the poor?" Though, if I had to pick two words to describe the newest S.O.A.D. album they would be "Ec Lectic." It's a great album though. If you've liked anything you've heard on the radio for this album, go get it. You won't regret it.