As we've approached the epic premier of the final Star Wars movie, I've run across a lot of parodies for it. Hell, there's a whole plethora of them out there. However,
this one is definitely one of the better ones. It's really funny. Though, as you watch it, you might think to yourself, "This is funny, but I feel as though David's 43 word praise for it isn't being represented." All I can say is that you need to wait it out. Trust me, the funny is in there. Or... its cute to say the least.
Today was one of those days at work where I start to question why i bothered to get up. It was like walking through the fifth layer of Hell (the tech support layer). It was enough to make me want to kill myself. So, when I got home, I went for a jog. Oh Lord, what a mistake. Good Lord Jesus Christ Almighty whom I praise above all others for 3 more months until Adonai becomes my one true Lord, I nearly died. I guess a week and a half of laziness doesn't mean I can jump right back into jogging as far as I used to. Huh. Stupid chest pains.
Anyhow, work was just a disaster because I was literally switching between three clients for the majority of the day.
At 7:30 AM this guy, Mike, calls in and he is livid. I try to help him with his issue, but he won't have any of it. He asks for a manager. I tried one more time to convince him to let me help him though. He refuses again. How could he know that our managers are...
- Never available.
- Completely incompetent.
- Total cowards.
So, I tell him I'll have a manager call him back and he hangs up. As I assume the fetal position on the floor of my cube my last thought before blacking out is, "This will come back to me. They always come back to me."
The rest of my morning goes okay, but then 11:00 AM comes around. The Devil's Hour. Keith, my manager, asks me to join him in his "office." (It's also just a cube, but bigger than mine.) Keith has decided that I shall be the valiant warrior to engage Mike from Scozio's Marketplace in combat. I salute appropriately (thumb in ass, finger in nose) and head back to my desk. Hand shaking, I dial Mike.
Here's the thing, my company has two web based products; Mike has both. However, Mike's internet isn't working, and he blames us. I muster my confidence and say, "Mike, can you get to other websites?"
"Yes. Of course. Well, not all of them. Some of them give me Page Not Found. But for sure your sites won't let me in."
Fine, whatever. You can't reliably get to ANY website, but it must still be my problem. Fine. So I have him ping some websites and sure enough his internet is mucho shitty. So I call his ISP, they admit that its mucho shitty. What does Mike say,"Well, you have to fix it."
I can't do that, but I what I can do is get his payroll done for him. So I ask him to send me one 39Kb file through e-mail so I can import his punches into his system and get his payroll reports run for him. Fucking hell, his internet won't even let him upload 39Kb in an e-mail.
You know what we did, we used Hyper Terminal in Windows to have his modem dial my modem and send the 39Kb file over. But not yet we didn't, we'll do that this afternoon. First I disconnected with him to try to think of some fucking way to get his punch file to me.
However, while on the phone with Mike, one of the techs volunteers me to take care of this other issue. So I have to call that client ASAP just so I can make an appointment to call them at 1:30. Well, its now about 12:15 so I decide to log out for lunch.
At 1:15, when I log back in for lunch, I take an inbound call (I'm was supposed to cover inbound from 12:30 to 1:30, but that sorta got fucked up.) Who is it that calls in? Joan.
I just about wet myself. Don't get me wrong, I love Joan. She's just the nicest lady you can imagine. But her problems are never simple. Not only that, but she refuses to work with anyone but me. She's so adamant that she has to work with me that she'll take it to management. Every time. So, I listen to the issue, and its the same one she's had for 8 months (but she's too simple to know how to fix it). Alas, it falls to me. I said, "You know what Joan, I have to call you later. I can't do this right now. Other people called in before you that I have to get to."
She's fine with that, no problem. So I call the 1:30 appointment and they ask me to make chickens fly, horses piss solid gold, and for potato chips to burn fat. I tell them I'll see what I can do. I basically just put them off till tomorrow.
Then, cringing, I call Mike back. Now we transfer the file over and I get his punches into his database. Of course, he still can't get into his database, but I can. So I run all his reports for him and fax them to him. He said he'll review them right away and get back to me with any corrections he needs done so we can do his payroll.
I call Joan back. We spend an hour and a half fixing her fucking broke ass software running on the computer equivalent of a pop-up book. Their systems are so slow it gives me time to masturbate between mouse clicks. Its an enjoyable call.
I finish with Joan and feel my body involuntarily trying to curl to the fetal position. I have to call Mike back, and its 15 minutes to quitting time. I'll have to work late today. His fucking payroll, already a day late, needs to get done, and it all falls to me, of course. So, I call Mike back.
He left for the day.
Whatever, who the fuck cares, I jam the "logout" button, shut down my PC, and sprint out the door before someone else calls in with some issue that only the Great and Powerful David can fix.
I've decided I may never finish Xenosaga. I'm so fucking pissed off at that game I may just shelf it for spite. Sure, the story rocks and I'm only two bosses from the end, but it has gotten infuriating. The enemies keep doing that "I'm a spoiled child I refuse to lose" type of attack where they kill your entire team in one hit. Yeah. Fucktards. It isn't even a boss I'm fighting yet, just some really hard enemies. So now I get to level up even more... yay.
Also, for those of you who follow it, 24 has gotten equally frustrating. CTU Los Angeles has to be the most incompetent group of agents on the planet. When they sent a group of agents out to get something, someone, or attack something you're pretty much guaranteed they'll blow it. It's like sending out a god damn "away team" in Star Trek. The bad guy always gets away, the good guys lose a bunch of nobody agents, and then we end up with some sort of marginally believable plot line to grasp onto. Don't get me wrong, I still love the show. This season is still going really awesome, but I'm just tired of watching the good guys lose.