Skwisgaar made a noise like an affronted eagle

Apr 21, 2009 18:50

Title of entry from one of Marty's fics. I'm still laughing about it. Hope you don't mind love.

Anywho, I just got my library site review paper essay thing done. Blah, I've got one more 5 pager due for Health next Friday, but I'm not worrying about that yet.

I'm so stoked that classes are nearly done. My finals are looking to be pretty easy, so I'm hoping that they'll come and go without any problem.

Oh, and for something to look forward to (if you, like, really like my writing and stuff...), cheez0rs has challenged me to write a Metalocalypse fic for every song on NickelBack's Dark Horse album (which I highly recommend). So for those who are members of those comm's...keep your eyes peeled! :D

Uh, besides that, SATURDAY IS STEEL CITY CON! I'm supadupa excited for it, which of course means that the week is dragging on like you wouldn't believe. But hey, when it gets here it will be so worth it.

Yep, weather's crappy, but I'm in a fairly good mood. So, I'll leave you with something happy yes?

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college, video, con

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