
Apr 23, 2009 11:25

Yep, killing time before I have to go and excercise for a fitness thing in my health class :(


1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint.
2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or in how much it will suck!
3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you

(I'll leave this open for a few days...)

And then there's this...

Finish the Sentence!
1. My ex...
is non-existent. (single 19 years baby!)

2. Maybe I should...
draw tonight.

3. I love...

4. People would say that I'm...
pretty damn awkward.

5. I don't understand...

6. When i wake up in the morning...
Satan says "Oh shit she's up".

7. I lost...
my one ring for about a week.

8. Life is full of...

9. My past...
is behind me now.

10. I get annoyed when...
those aren't the droids I'm looking for.

11. Parties are...
better with fewer people.

12. I wish...
I was miraculously done with college and had an awesome job.

13. Dogs...
uh...have tails.

14. Cats...
are some of my best friends.

15. Tomorrow...
is Humpday

16. I have low tolerance...
for Country music.

17. If I had a million dollars...
I'd...I'd spend it all. (taken from Santeria)

18. I'm totally terrified...
of failing.

60 Questions!

1. Where did your last kiss take place?
It's never taken place.

2. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Me duh.

3. Four words to explain why you last threw up?
I did it purposely. (no I don't have a disorder...I just wanted to get it over with)

4. Have you ever burned yourself?

5. What's crazy to you?
how the interweb works.

6. Favorite cuss word:
Douchebag...but that's not really a cuss I guess. So I'll go with...shit.

7. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
The Fraggles.

8. Who is your hero?
THE MIGHTY THOR or Night Owl...they're tied.

9. Would you ever want to be a supermodel?

10. Who is the most experimental person you know?
Hmm, that's a good one. Probably a friend of mine on LJ.

11. Do you tell white lies?

12. When is your next party?
Uh, does Steel City Con count as a party?

13. Who do you want to be with right now?
David long as he's in his Labyrinth costume. ((ftw...I have no clue people!))

14. Do you scratch when and where you want to scratch?
Yeah, you wanna fight aboutit?

15. How do you handle a break up?
Haven't had to handle one yet.

16. Your motivation for tomorrow?
It's one day closer to Saturday.

17. Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
A jumpsuit made of Cling Wrap.

18. Last person to make you laugh?

19. Last thing you ate?

20. Do u ever go a few days without changing your underwear?
My record is 7 months 9.5 days. ((ew no))

21. Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect?
Hell, I've done it on PURPOSE!

22. Do daddy long legs freak you out?
I let them crawl on me when I find them....seriously. I do.

23. Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?

24. Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it?
Unless it fell on the band room floor.

25. Do you kiss your pets on the mouth?
Uh, their nose/snout region.

26. Do you talk baby talk?

27. What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
Uh, the baby killer guy on Metalocalypse. He had a creepy face.

28. Do you watch court tv?
No, I can't stand it.

29. Would you ever work in a retirement home?

30. Do you believe plants have feelings?

31. Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts?
Dude, I had one at one yes, absolutely.

32. Do you have nervous twitches?
More than I care to list.

33. Are you ever purposely irritating?

34. If you could fly, where would you go first?
Uh, into the sky, duh.

35. Do you prefer boats or planes?
I prefer traveling by teleportation.

36. Love or lust?

37. One best friend or 10 aquaintances?

38. Favorite food?
I can't seriously pick just one. But Teriyaki chicken comes close.

39. Do you believe that your first love never dies?
No, they were human, and therefore will die someday.

40. What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for?

41. Current smell?
Rotten tires and the burnt flesh of orphans. ((god I can't think of any answers tonight XD))

42. Do you get your nails done?
Pfffttt!!! NO!

43. Most favorite person?
That little guy that peeks over the edges of trucks...Killroy.

44. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's?
Ranch Snack wraps.

45. Are you an emotional person?
No...yes...maybe...DON'T PRESSURE ME!

46. Do you like your name?
Actually, yeah.

47. Do you have plans this weekend?

48. Do you work?
Everyday except weekends.

49. Do you dance naked in your room?
Haha...>__> ...yes.

50. When did your last relationship end?
*sigh* Way to go survey thing...constantly remind me that I'm single.

51. What are you listening to right now?
Family Guy Theme on TV

52. Biggest fear?
Vaccinations and Failure.

53. How long have you been a part of facebook?
Uh, couple months I think.

54. Favorite place to be?
I like the woods

55. What are you wearing right now?
Jeans and a drama club t-shirt.

56. Are your toes painted?

57. Does anyone hate you?
I'm sure the people who have read this far into the survey do.

58. How many people do you trust fully?
Not many.

59. Did you have fun doing this?
Sure, why the hell not.

60. Are you thinking of someone right now?
See #13... XD XD

memes, art

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