Apr 18, 2009 21:39
Sweet lord am I itchy. I was cleaning under my bed last night and dusting off all of the various boxes, when just a half an hour after I had finished, my forearms started itching like CRAZY!!!
I've never reacted that way to dust before...hell, I'm not even sure if it's the dust that did it. It may be the pollen in the air, who knows.
But, besides that, the weather is absolutely GORGEOUS here! I sat out in the Oak Grove for an hour+ yesterday, just reading and soaking up the sun. Not only that, but it's boosted my mood so high. I feel happier than I've been in months. :D
Today I went to a used book sale at the Library with Adrienne and Sara. It was pretty cool, the selection of books wasn't the greatest. I did how ever make out like a bandit when I found the boxes of VHS tapes (yes I'm old school like that). I got "The Birdcage", "The Breakfast Club", and DETROIT ROCK CITY, all for 50 cents each. I MEAN COME ON! THAT'S AWESOME!
After that, we went to the mall and hung out for awhile. I ordered in the next two books in the FAKE series (a yaoi manga series that I borrowed forever ago and really want to add to my personal collection. Read it if you can.) And then we got Japanese for lunch. :D
Next week end we're planning on going to STEEL CITY COMIC CON. I'm soooooooo excited! They're supposed to have a ton more stuff this year, including an entire room dedicated to costumes! /nerd
I still haven't scheduled my ultra sound / other testing. But I will soon. Happily, the pain hasn't bothered me for a few days now.
Oh, and on a last note...
I-I...I think I'm starting to slash Nite Owl and Rorschach guys. I tried not to. I TRIED not to develop a pairing for that book...until I saw the club on Y!Gal. That's what did me in. I guess it's not all that bad, there are obviously others out there like me. I thought that about Metalocalypse too. I thought there was NO WAY anyone else out there slashes these guys...
Oh how wonderfully wrong I was <3<3<3