WoWing it up

Mar 09, 2010 18:49

As if I didn't have enough games to play at the moment, I jumped back into World of Warcraft for a while. A bunch of my friends here play on and off. Since we're all too busy to get together regularly for the next two months, we decided to quest together in WoW for a bit and do the guild thing. WoW is the kind of game that I lose interest in after a month or two, but it'll be fun to run through it with a few people I actually KNOW for once instead of soloing and relying on random jerks for quest groups.

Today was graduation at the school I was visiting. Lots of people in nice clothes, long formal ceremony that I struggled to stay awake through, and lots of tears from the kids (and me) towards the end when they sang their goodbye song. I also got to see the substitute English teacher who worked there for a few months. She was teaching there while the regular 3rd-year English teacher was hospitalized, and she was one of the most awesome people I've ever had the pleasure of teaching with. It was a nice treat to see her again, in the midst of all the formality and tears.

Need to plan a vacation during the Golden Week holiday. I haven't been to Nara or Osaka yet, so they're next on my list to tackle. Doubt they'll top last year's trip to Hiroshima and Miyajima, but I really need to start chipping away at my list of Japan places to visit. Whether it's gutwrenchingly sad war memorials or a park full of crazy food pellet addicted deer.

real life, japan, warcraft, games

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