(I just used my Blackberry calendar and Flickr to make this list. Thank goodness I take camera phone pictures & post them or I wouldn’t have remembered when most of this stuff was!)
Regular winter hermit
Joined gym & worked out 4-8 hours a week
Hosted Super Bowl Party
Continued to work out 4-8 hours a week (lost 15 lbs!)
Delicious birthday dinners with lovely friends
Went to Cleveland on a business trip
St. Patrick's Day Highland's Parade
Awesome St. Patrick’s Day and birthday celebrations
BF moved in
Saw former first lady & current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, speak
Nephew is born
Got my convertible (Woot woot!)
Volunteer event at The Healing Place (learned to make raised garden beds!)
Thunder Over Louisville
Waterfront Wednesday
Hosted friends & family for Derby
Muddy Kentucky Derby Infield good times
Maker’s Mark Distillery VIP tour
Schnitzelburg Spring Beer Walk
Memorial Day at “Fun Town” (Awesome pond swimming and cook out!)
Waterfront Wednesday
Kentucky State Capital tour with YPAL
Va Va Vegas performance
Second City show in Louisville
Huber Orchard & Winery summer visit
Tried kayaking for the first time (On the Ohio River!)
Waterfront Wednesday
As much pool, convertable and river time as I could get in
Adrian’s birthday party shenanigans
Kentucky State Fair (Fried food & mullet spotting!)
Tweetup at The Monkey Wrench (I love meeting new geeky people from online!)
Nashville trip
Traveling Tuesday dinner at Corbett’s
Olivia's birthday party
Dragon*Con (More geeky fun!)
Pawley’s Island (Ahhh, the beach.)
Schnitzelburg Fall Beer Walk (My neighborhood is awesome.)
Waterfront Wednesday (Again! That’s three this year. I love them!)
Nulu Arts and Music Festival
Cross Country Road Trip (See
previous journal entry.)
Huber Orchard & Winery fall visit
Started new job (And love it!)
Hosted Vegan Thanksgiving Feast
Lunches, brunches & parties with friends & family
It snowed (and I <3 snow).
And many, many more things!
Wow! I’ve had a pretty amazing year! This was an awesome exercise that I worked on for three days. It has helped me remember some wonderful experiences and the friends that shared them with me. I left any bad times out because I like to move forward with my good thoughts. I’m so glad I have this to reflect on.
Next year’s goals/resolutions coming soon!